Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 395 4011 Sword

Chapter 395 401 One Sword

Seeing that Rui Mengmeng left him alone and ran directly to Times Square to fight, Liangbing was suddenly upset.

But after thinking about it, Rui Mengmeng had already started planning the North American strategy before the sniping on Kesha. It can be said that she has put a lot of effort into this aspect.

The outcome of the battle in Times Square has no effect on Queen Morgana, but it is something Rui Mengmeng attaches great importance to.

Liang Bing shook his head helplessly, and began to call the demon Abang on the dark communication channel: "Show me your log records after you arrived in North America."

At this time, Abang's attention was on Rui Mengmeng, and he suddenly heard Liang Bing's voice, but he didn't react, and was stunned.

Liang Bing said impatiently: "I don't want to say it a second time."

"Yes! Yes! Please open the data reception."

Abang knew that with Liang Bing's ability, he could directly invade the database of Pioneer's flagship without his permission.The reason why the queen vented to him was probably to save face for the princess.

He immediately started to transmit to Liangbing the log records since Ruimeng led everyone to the sky above New York, and the main content was the establishment and operation of NERV.

Liang Bing was still sitting on the sofa, using data records to infer Rui Mengmeng's actions during this period, and couldn't help but look surprised.

No wonder this little rascal has worked so hard to take down the US emperor for so long. It turns out that she has already started to spread degenerate liberalism!

Rui Mengmeng's current belief is still the "Goddess of Liberty" with itself as the core, but degenerate liberalism has been mentioned many times in the relevant teachings, presumably to prepare for the full implementation of the degenerate liberal order in the future.

Not only that, Rui Mengmeng has also developed more than 20 million believers in just 3000 days, which is more than one-tenth of the population of the US emperor. This efficiency is much better than that group of devils under Liangbing's hands up.

Think about the original version of Hei Jia and Xiong Bing Company, Liang Bing had already killed the League of Haters before killing Kaisha, and then it took half a year to bring NATO under its banner, and it took about a year to develop 2 million believers in North America .

It only took 20 days for Rui Mengmeng to develop 3000 million believers. If there is no accident, within half a year, the North American continent will enter the era of degenerate liberalism.

"I thought she was just a whim, and wanted to play for fun. I didn't expect to have two brushes. I really underestimated her."

Sitting on the sofa, Liang Bing muttered to herself, thinking of Rui Mengmeng's serious work attitude, she felt relieved from the bottom of her heart, and the corners of her mouth slowly curved into a charming arc.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with choosing her as the heir. This little wave is much better than Angel Yan."

It only took a few seconds for Liangbing to flip through the data records of the past 20 days, and immediately turned her attention to the battle between Rui Mengmeng and the American superheroes, staring closely at the projection on the wall.

The same is true for Lena in the command room, who is very concerned about Rui Mengmeng, but just now the demon Abang seemed a little weird, as if he was secretly talking to someone...

Rui Mengmeng above Times Square first enjoyed a wave of cheers from the crowd.

Her appearance not only reaffirmed the faith of all the believers of the Statue of Liberty in the United States, but also gave hope of victory to the struggling fighters below.

Rui Mengmeng put aside the covetous Thor God, and fell to the ground first, and helped Li Feifei and Zhao. She saw the grief-stricken expressions of Menglong and Binfen, and also saw that their leader, Leng Feng, had passed away. Killed, lost breath.

The angry Hulk didn't distinguish between himself and the enemy, and when he saw Rui Mengmeng, the sudden intruder, he punched him.

The huge fist was gently blocked by Rui Mengmeng, and then she invaded Hulk's brain again.

But this time, it was no longer a "fear implant".The picture that Hulk saw was the bit by bit between him as a man named "Robert Banner" and a woman named Natasha.

Hulk calmed down, his sturdy body twitched, and he became Dr. Banner again.

Banner immediately turned back to search for the figure of the woman, and then hugged Natasha tightly, but the female agent who had been walking on the tip of the knife for decades was now covered in bruises.


Dr. Banner was very sad.

At this moment, Rui Mengmeng threw over a small red bottle: "Healing medicine, drink it."

When the Statue of Liberty turned around again to face Thor and the superheroes of S.H.I.E.L.D., Rui Mengmeng used her thin figure to protect her friends behind her.

Among the superheroes on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, although there are many young and energetic superheroes who want to challenge her, seeing that Thor has never acted rashly, they can't help but be restrained.

The current atmosphere is waiting for the decisive battle between the two "gods" Rui Mengmeng and Thor.

They have been fighting chaotically for a long time, and if they continue to fight, there may not be any results. Only the war between gods and gods can determine the future of American imperialism.

"Now, everyone, take a good rest and leave the rest to me."

After Rui Mengmeng finished speaking, she took out the Exiled Edge from the arsenal, and quickly changed into the "Dawnbringer" suit for her casual clothes.

She carried a big sword and shouted to the people on Thor's side: "All of you put down your weapons now, kneel down and beg for mercy, and I will spare you from death."

No one dropped their weapons, and no one knelt down.

Thor raised his hammer and began to summon thunder and lightning with maximum power. The sky over Times Square was full of strong winds and thunder rolled.

Intuition told him that the battle between him and Rui Mengmeng would not last long.

Rui Mengmeng didn't talk nonsense anymore, guessing that the reading of Thunder God's ultimate move should be almost ready, so she swung the edge of exile and slashed at it with her sword.

She swung the sword first, but the speed was not considered fast, and the angle and posture of the sword was a bit random. It didn't look like a decisive blow, but a bit like a temptation.

On Thor's side, hundreds of lightning bolts descended from the dark clouds and landed on the silver Thor's hammer. With a roar, Thor slammed the hammer at Rui Mengmeng.

At this moment, Thor was already shrouded in electric light all over his body, and even his two eyeballs were white. He used the body of a god to attract the thunder, and finally launched his strongest blow at this moment.

The speed of the big sword was slightly slower, but the small hammer came first, and the sword and the hammer hit each other heavily.

However, at the moment when the swords and hammers intersected, Thor's face changed drastically.

The strength of the opponent is above oneself!

This delicate and thin Statue of Liberty is still stronger than the tall and strong Thor!


Thor, the god of thunder, began to shoot lightning at the opponent through the hammer in his hand, but for some reason, all the currents hit him like a mud cow into the sea, and there was no movement.

Thorton's time.

The Exile's Edge kept going, just like that, it smashed Thor's hammer away, and the sharp blade penetrated Thor's heavy armor without any hindrance, and cut on Thor's shoulder!
(End of this chapter)

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