Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 396 402 Swordsman Way

Chapter 396 402 Swordsman Way (please recommend~please subscribe~)

A sword!
Rui Mengmeng defeated Thor with only one sword!
Severe pain washed over Thor's brain immediately, and Rui Mengmeng's seemingly random blow not only dispelled his attack, but also slashed on Thor's shoulder.

The blade penetrated deep to the bone, severing the ligaments that controlled the muscles in Thor's arm in one fell swoop.

Under the severe pain, the lightning that was too late to lead to the bombing piled up on Thor's body, and the intensive electric shock paralyzed his nerves. The ultra-high-power lightning that Thor was proud of released not only failed to hit Rui Mengmeng, but hindered him. own actions.

Rui Mengmeng noticed that the great sword had cut into Thor's bone, and knowing that the sword was old and difficult to penetrate, she raised her hand and took the long sword back.

Following her action of retracting the sword, blood began to spurt out from Thor's shoulder, and his entire right arm fell down limply. The once powerful palm could no longer hold the small hammer of Thor. .

The hammer fell from Thor's hand, and what was lost with the hammer was Thor's once invincible self-confidence.

...Why, she is so powerful?

Thor couldn't see any tricks from Rui Mengmeng's sword, it was completely Xia Ji's eight cuts.However, the sword he swung casually in this way injured himself strangely. You know, he is Thor, the god of thunder, blessed by the mother of the earth, and can enter the deep sea and space without any vehicles and equipment...

He has many hacks and is invulnerable.

Then he was seriously injured by Rui Mengmeng's sword.

Thor doesn't understand the mystery of this sword, but what he understands is that it is absolutely impossible for him to win her, and none of the gods in Asgard can win her.

Thor and his hammer fell to the ground almost simultaneously.

Rui Mengmeng was condescending, her eyes neither looked down on the common people, nor had the viciousness of licking blood with a knife.

Her eyes are very sharp, holding a sword in her hand, the whole person is like a sword!

The full 15 years spent in the "Broken Sword Reforged" experience book is really too long for Rui Mengmeng.

But fortunately, in the end, she finally understood the true meaning of swordsmanship from Riven and Yasuo.

The first level of swordsmanship is the swordsmanship performed with sharp weapons and complicated and ingenious moves. It is the most superficial level. It is not so much swordsmanship as it is "sword skills".

The second level of swordsmanship is the swordsmanship that relies on overwhelming strength and extremely fast speed. This kind of swordsmanship is powerful, but it is not considered brilliant.Because in this case, there is not much difference between having a sword and not having a sword. It doesn't matter whether you use a knife or a sword.

In the winter of last year, Rui Mengmeng once had a swordsmanship contest with Master Zhao on Juxia. "Heart Sword".

But in fact, the two of them at that time were not very skilled in swordsmanship, and neither of them had entered the field of "Doo of the Sword".

After upgrading to the Invincible Body, Master Zhao gradually deepened his understanding of kendo. Finally, he gave full play to his strengths in skills and psychological hints, entered the way with technique, directly crossed the second level, and initially touched the threshold of kendo.And Rui Mengmeng is still at the "Sword of Heart" stage of the original mouth, so naturally she feels that her understanding of swordsmanship is not as good as that of Zhao.

Afterwards, Rui Mengmeng entered the "Broken Sword Reforged" experience book, attached to Riven's body as a consciousness, spent 15 years, and finally understood what kendo is.

At the beginning, her so-called "As long as you have a sword in your heart, you have a sword in your hand", although it was a mustache, it was unexpectedly not far from the truth, because the way of sword that Rui Mengmeng realized in Riwen's experience was "the way of a swordsman" !
The so-called swordsman's way means that the swordsman himself is the way of the sword, and the sword is not in her hands, because she is a sword herself!

Just like the origin of the name "Nuoxing Sharp Knife", in this universe, the reason why the god-level warrior Riven is called "Nuoxing Sharp Knife" is not because her weapon is called Nuoxing Sharp Knife, but because Riven It is a sharp knife in itself!

Riven herself is "knight swordsmanship"!
Although Rui Mengmeng has lost the specialized gene of "Nuoxing Sharp Knife", but through this experience book, she was finally able to make up for the defects in her genes and understand her own way of swordsmanship.

Because she is a sword herself, she doesn't need to rely on moves and skills, and she doesn't need the action routines named "Knight Swordsmanship". Sharpness as a "sword".

Because of this, she was able to use a seemingly random sword to injure Thor in one fell swoop, breaking his self-confidence.

At this moment, Thor had already fallen from the altar. He was lying on the ground with a painful expression and tried his best to cover the sword wound on his shoulder with his left hand, but blood still flowed from between his fingers.

Rui Mengmeng looked at the people behind Thor again, at these superheroes from the United States who harbored malice towards her.

There was no pity or anger in her eyes, but just this sharp glance had scared many people back a step.

"It seems that no one can see the mystery of my sword..."

This idea flashed by, and Rui Mengmeng swung the sword again, slashing towards the sky.

Thor had summoned a wave of thunder and lightning just now, but the layers of clouds in the sky were still there, and the darkness affected the mood very much.

Under the eyes of everyone, Rui Mengmeng's sword slashed the air, but the thick cumulus cloud with a height of more than [-] meters broke into two halves at a speed visible to the naked eye along the direction of Rui Mengmeng's sword swing. A gap flashed.

The light shone through the gap, and a ray of golden sunlight fell on her body.

At this moment, everyone looked up to the gods and felt that the Statue of Liberty was noble and holy, sacred and inviolable.

After that, the thick cloud layer seemed to be washed away by the sun, and seemed to be afraid of the power of Rui Mengmeng's sword, they rolled to both sides one after another, and kept getting thinner and lighter during the rolling. Less than a minute later, The sky turned clear again.

Thor looked at everything in front of him in surprise, and was deeply moved for a while.

"This power...I'm afraid only Odin can match it..."

After splitting the clouds, Rui Mengmeng took the Exiled Edge back into the arsenal, used the ether gate to set the distance, and walked down from the air step by step, as if stepping on an invisible ladder, very compelling.

Off the court, 9 people headed by Li Feifei cheered in unison. Although their voices were not loud, they were neat and powerful, and soon spread far away.

Then, starting from the outside of Times Square, all the believers who came to watch the battle began to cheer, and waves of sound were set off.

Three minutes later, New York City suddenly sounded a sharp air defense siren.

 Thanks to book friends Saber*Mo Qingxian and Blood Drop Knife for their bounties!
  Ask for a wave of recommendation tickets~~

(End of this chapter)

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