Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 397 403 Too late to explain

Chapter 397 403 Too late to explain
At this time, in a secret base in Boston, two hundred kilometers away from Manhattan Island, a soldier wearing a helmet was operating the black lockbox that Ao Guanhai had opened.

Ao Guanhai paced back and forth by the side, urging: "Hurry up, hurry up! Thor has been defeated, and the Statue of Liberty may leave Manhattan at any time!"

Although Ao Guanhai himself has the ability to unlock the nuclear button, he doesn't know anything about the specific manipulation and relies on specially trained soldiers.This is actually a heavy insurance for the nuclear button, but this heavy insurance is a bit cumbersome when faced with an emergency.

The soldier was busy with his hands, and soon there were beads of sweat on his forehead, and then during a certain operation, he accidentally...slipped his hand.

"Boss...Mr. President, I pressed a wrong button, and a hydrogen bomb was launched ahead of schedule!"

The nuclear warhead is carried in a ballistic missile nuclear submarine, launched directly from the seabed near New York Harbor, and is expected to arrive in New York in 3 minutes.

And in Manhattan's Times Square, Rui Mengmeng just walked down the stairs made by the Aether Gate in mid-air.

Although there are many human beings who oppose the Statue of Liberty on the outside of Times Square, at this moment, none of them have the courage to stand up and challenge it head-on, because Thor, who represents the side of the US imperial government, has been defeated by the Statue of Liberty.

Rui Mengmeng has now put Exile's Edge back into the arsenal, and she has also received her supernatural powers. She looks like a harmless and beautiful girl. She no longer has the sharpness of a sword on her body, and she doesn't even have any murderous intent. .

Rui Mengmeng's body was exuding an intoxicating fragrance. Even Thor, the great god of Asgard, smelled this breath, and lost his mind for a moment.

Behind Thor, many people with superpowers even had the idea of ​​wavering.

But it's a pity that Rui Mengmeng came down from mid-air, and there was only one person who wanted to win her over.


Before Rui Mengmeng called out Thor's name, a tall and thin man behind Thor suddenly stepped forward, holding a short staff in his hand, with a huge gem inlaid on it.

The man waved the short stick in his hand, and a stream of high-energy particles blasted towards Rui Mengmeng. Although the momentum of this stream of particles was not as strong as that of a high-energy particle cannon, Rui Mengmeng could already see clearly that its energy density Much larger than a high-energy particle cannon.

"AT Field!"

The (pseudo) AT force field unfolded in front of Rui Mengmeng, reflecting the stream of particles back, and by coincidence, it hit the innocent melon eater Hawkeye.

Hawkeye was killed instantly.

"Clint!" Thor's eyes were shattered. He had few friends in this world. Now Captain America and Hawkeye died one after another, and he himself was defeated.

Is this still a god? Is there a god who lives such a miserable life?

At the same time, the tall and thin man holding a short staff rushed behind Thor and set up Thor's tall body.

"Loki?" Thor was shocked to realize that this person was the evil god Loki who was hunted down by Asgard, and he was also his brother-in-law.

"It's too late to explain, let's go, we are not her opponent!"

Loki fired more than a dozen energy bombs at Rui Mengmeng in one breath, while silently chanting a spell, and opened a worm door behind him.

It was easy for Rui Mengmeng to block Loki's attack, but what caught her attention was that the short staff in Loki's hand seemed to have some tricks.

The gems inlaid on the short staff can't be analyzed even with her evil king's true eyes!
What surprised her even more was that Loki actually had space teleportation technology similar to wormhole transportation!Where does the door behind him lead?

"Go!" Loki dragged Thor and jumped into the portal.


Thor shouted, and Thor's hammer not far away began to fly up, flying into Thor's hand.

Without any hesitation, Rui Mengmeng took out the Exile's Edge again, and chopped it off with a single blow.

With a flash of the sword, she seemed to have hit something.

The figures of Loki and Thor had disappeared, and the portal was instantly closed.

Rui Mengmeng drew her sword fast enough, but still failed to stop Loki and Thor. In the blink of an eye, these two Asgardian gods had already disappeared without a trace.

Of course, Rui Mengmeng didn't get nothing - there was a severed hand left on the ground, it looked like it was still the left hand, and it was holding a silver-white hammer tightly.

This hammer is called Mjolnir, also known as Thor's Hammer, or Meow Hammer for short, and this severed hand is clearly Thor's left hand.

Rui Mengmeng's sword really didn't miss.

The escape of Loki and Thor drew a group of superheroes ready to move, but Rui Mengmeng just glanced at the crowd, and everyone fell silent again.

"Is this hammer so miraculous? You can only hold it if you are full of justice and noble qualities in your heart?"

Rui Mengmeng looked down at the small hammer, and suddenly felt a little curious, so she stepped on Thor's severed hand with one foot, leaned over and held the short handle of Thor's hammer with her right hand, and lifted the hammer lightly. I took it in my hand.

The hammer is not big, nor is it heavy. Compared with her Exiled Edge, it is a very light weapon. Rui Mengmeng took this silver-white small hammer to weigh it, and put it in the arsenal casually .

"It seems that there is nothing magical about it... Even an evil god like me can pick it up."

Rui Mengmeng talked to herself, and suddenly at this moment, she heard Leina's voice: "Ao Guanhai has jumped the wall, he launched a nuclear bomb on Manhattan Island, and nine more are about to be launched."

Rui Mengmeng was taken aback when she heard this, she didn't know anything about the outside world during the half month she went to experience the book, and she didn't know what Lei Na and Li Feifei did during the half month.

Lena said again: "I will immediately intercept this nuclear bomb. After all, I am the goddess of love and hope. I don't want to see so many people die by the power of the sun. Here is a battle plan formulated by Li Feifei. I will pass the information to You, you familiarize yourself with the situation and calm down."

When Rui Mengmeng entrusted NERV to Leina, she naturally had [-]% trust in her, so she soon understood that Ao Guanhai's intention to launch a nuclear bomb must also be under the surveillance of Leina and others .

The purpose of Ao Guanhai launching a nuclear bomb to Manhattan Island is of course very simple, which is to kill the Statue of Liberty and these restless superheroes.No matter whether they are loyal to the Statue of Liberty or they are partial to the US imperialist government, as long as the mutants exist for a day, they will always be a factor of instability and a hidden danger to the long-term stability of the US imperialists.

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the time when Thor and the Statue of Liberty lead the battle, and throw a nuclear bomb over, sacrificing an island of Manhattan, in exchange for the next 100, 200 or even lasting peace.

This is Aoguanhai's battle plan of "sweeping everything in one go"!

 1. If you slide your hand and press a wrong button, the nuclear bomb will be launched. This is a funny plot, don't take it seriously.

  2. In the same way, Ao Guanhai's role is also funny. Comedians, don't match up with the real Ao Guanhai and Trump.

  2. Loki and the Thanos behind him have no plans to start
(End of this chapter)

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