Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 398 404 My name is Tony Stark,

Chapter 398 404 My name is Tony Stark,
Rui Mengmeng quickly finished reading the information sent by Leina, thinking of Ao Guanhai summoning superheroes to fight against an alien evil god like her, and secretly preparing a super-high-yield hydrogen bomb at the same time, Rui Mengmeng couldn't help laughing.

Ao Guanhai is indeed a character with great determination and perseverance, but how did he know that all his actions are under the control of NERV.

It was at this time that the missile carrying the hydrogen bomb warhead flew over Long Island and rushed towards Manhattan, which was full of tall buildings.

The air defense siren sounded on Manhattan Island soon, and the shrill siren tensed everyone's nerves.

People have confirmed the existence of this missile with naked eyes, but very few people know that it is a nuclear bomb.

Despite this, the military's actions still angered countless people.

After Leina hung up the call with Rui Mengmeng, she stepped on a demon skateboard and flew out of the Pioneer flagship. Just as she was about to rush over to deal with the nuclear warhead, she saw a fiery red humanoid mecha in her field of vision.

Although the mecha is in human form, it is very large, bigger than the Hulk, and the paint is still mainly red, supplemented by gold. It is the latest "anti-Hulk armor" developed by Tony Stark.

It can be called the most powerful heavy armor currently owned by Iron Man. It was originally intended to be used in the war between the Statue of Liberty and Thor, but it was not used in the battle in Times Square. Instead, it was found that the military launched ballistic missile.

Ballistic missiles launched from nuclear submarines, what else can they be except nuclear bombs?
Tony Stark couldn't hold back anymore, and drove the mech out of a warehouse in the corner of Manhattan.

While rushing towards the missile, Tony issued an alert to Manhattan: "The Federation has abandoned us. The military has decided to bomb Manhattan with nuclear bombs. All personnel quickly seek shelter! Please seek shelter quickly!"

At this time, if the nuclear bomb really explodes, you can't escape Manhattan by running, and you can only escape by hiding.

Through the monitoring and broadcasting equipment deployed by Stark Industries on Manhattan Island, Tony's voice soon resounded in every corner of Manhattan Island.

People suddenly fell into a huge panic.

Inside the huge armor, Tony Stark was concentrating on driving, and suddenly grinned: "Jarvis, what happened to me, why did I do this?"

"You are a hero, my venerable master."

For some reason, Jarvis's tone of voice towards Tony became very respectful.

"Even though it might destroy you, will you assist me again?"

"Yes Master."

The voice of intelligent AI should be very cold, but Stark likes a human voice, especially at this time, Jarvis' voice can make him feel that he is not alone.

Seeing that the missile was getting closer and closer, Stark cheered up again: "Jarvis, work hard, after completing this ticket, we will go to Hawaii for vacation!"

The AI ​​named "Jarvis" quickly began to calculate:

Missile ballistic data statistics completed... ballistic correction...

The current three-dimensional coordinates are repositioned... The speed calculation is completed...

Calculating remaining fuel...Calculating maximum run time at limit power...

Completion of calculations... Adjust the flight angle...

Tony's eyes were firm, and his voice once again resounded in every corner of Manhattan Island: "Now, I will do my best to bring this nuclear bomb to the sea. If the nuclear bomb explodes in the shallow sea, it will definitely cause a serious tsunami. Everyone in Manhattan, everyone in New York, and all the cities on the eastern seaboard, please take measures to prevent flooding as soon as possible to reduce casualties."

"My name is Tony Stark, an ordinary American citizen."

After finishing speaking, Iron Man slammed into the flying missile.

...The force cushioning is completed...Attitude adjustment begins

...increased power...maximum power boost

... Target, seven o'clock, Atlantic Ocean!
Since the missile carries a super-equivalent hydrogen bomb warhead, the overall mass is very large. Iron Man uses a huge armor to propel at full power, which only changes the trajectory of the missile, and cannot directly push the missile back in the opposite direction.

...consuming fuel faster than expected...recalculating remaining time

With the efforts of Tony Stark, the missile that was about to fly to Manhattan Island drew an elliptical trace in the sky, was reversed, and rushed towards the sea south of the mouth of the Hudson River.

Although the people on Manhattan Island received Tony Stark's warning message early, not many people were really able to hide because the population here was too dense.

People watched the wrestling process between Iron Man and the missile intently, and couldn't help cheering when they saw Iron Man rushing towards the sea with the missile in his arms.

Standing in Times Square, Rui Mengmeng naturally also saw Iron Man's crazy actions, and her heart was agitated.

She didn't have a good impression of the playboy Tony Stark at first, but looking at it now, it seems that she has to revise her view of him.

When Iron Man gradually disappeared from people's field of vision, Rui Mengmeng received a report from the demon Abang on the dark communication channel: "The remaining 9 nuclear bombs of the U.S. military have also been launched one after another. It is estimated that in 3 minutes, at the same time." Arrived on the island of Manhattan."

Rui Mengmeng remembered the battle plan of Leina and Li Feifei, and said directly: "This is a good opportunity for the goddess of dawn to establish her prestige, and act according to the original plan."


After hanging up the communication, Rui Mengmeng jumped onto a tall building at the southern end of Manhattan Island—the New World Trade Center.

After the former Twin Towers were crashed by an airplane, the newly built One World Trade Center is 541 meters high, making it the tallest building in New York and even the entire Western Hemisphere.

Standing on the roof of this building, you can overlook the entire Manhattan Island and most of New York City to the north, as well as Newark across the Hudson River and Long Island on the Atlantic side.

But Rui Mengmeng jumped to the roof of this building today, not to enjoy the scenery.

The sudden appearance of Iron Man not only surprised the US military, but also surprised Lena and Li Feifei.

Therefore, the demon Abang, who stayed on the Pioneer flagship, led the technical team to immediately observe and evaluate Iron Man's actions. The result of the calculation is that the overall mass of the missile is too large, and Iron Man is likely to be short of fuel.

Iron Man wants to bring the nuclear bomb to the Atlantic Ocean, which is obviously very difficult, because of the relationship between the island of Long Island, there is a long strait south of the mouth of the Hudson River.

Similarly, if Iron Man wants to bring the missile into the Atlantic Ocean, he must fly through a long airspace.

Moreover, there may be an autonomous detonating device inside the nuclear warhead, and once the set time is up, it may be detonated regardless of whether it reaches the designated target or not.

Based on the above factors, Abang believes that it is impossible for Iron Man to bring the nuclear bomb far away from the mouth of the sea.

In this way, the nuclear bomb explosion will inevitably cause changes in the landforms near the strait, and the tsunami caused by the explosion is very likely to destroy the entire Manhattan Island and the landmark buildings in the opposite city of Newark.

Not long after jumping on the roof of World Trade Center One, Rui Mengmeng saw Stark adjust his direction again, start to lower his altitude, and rush towards the sea.

 1. Most of the large-yield nuclear bombs were manufactured during the Cold War. At that time, the positioning and guidance technology was relatively backward, so relatively primitive inertial gyroscopes and quartz clocks were used for guidance.

  2. Heroes should not die in humiliation

(End of this chapter)

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