Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 399 405 I am God, hahaha

Chapter 399 405 I am God, hahaha
Rui Mengmeng asked in the dark communication channel: "Abang, is it possible to stop the detonator inside the nuclear bomb?"

"This is very difficult. The detonation device inside the nuclear warhead uses an inertial gyroscope and a precision quartz clock as control components. There is no communication with the Internet, and it cannot be hacked by conventional means such as hackers."

"What if we set up a wormhole and send it to the far sea?"

"This can be done, are you sure you want to do it?"

When asked by Abang, Rui Mengmeng hesitated.

She actually wanted to save Iron Man, but no matter where the nuclear bomb exploded, the man named Tony Stark would be near death.

So she said to Abang, "Don't worry about this nuclear bomb. You should closely monitor the other nine nuclear bombs."

When the other nine nuclear bombs were launched, the ballistic parameters and detonation mechanism had already been manipulated by Abang, so the next nine nuclear bombs would be solved by Lena according to the predetermined plan.

And now, Rui Mengmeng needs to deal with the imminent tsunami - Iron Man has rushed into the sea with a nuclear warhead in his arms. This is the first and last nuclear bomb accidentally launched.

One minute later, the nuclear bomb detonated on the bottom of the shallow sea. Standing on the top of the tall building, Rui Mengmeng felt the ground shaking, and the originally solid and stable skyscraper trembled like a willow branch in the wind.

A monstrous wave with a height of [-] meters was stirred up from the bottom of the sea, covering the sky and the sun.

New York Harbor began to roll, and nearly [-]-meter-long cargo ships and passenger ships were thrown high by this extremely tall water wall. Only those giant ships with a length of several hundred meters could barely stand firm in such a tsunami.

Everyone knows that the nuclear bomb has gone off.

After the tsunami was formed in the narrow strait, it was squeezed by both sides of the strait, and the huge waves moved north and south at the same time. As for the waves moving south, they would naturally merge into the Atlantic Ocean because the outlet became wider and wider. On the other hand, as the mouth of the sea becomes narrower and narrower, the waves will only get higher and higher!
The tide seemed to be slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, and in an instant, it had exceeded a height of [-] meters, submerging the Statue of Liberty on Roosevelt Island, and shot towards Manhattan Island like a huge wall of water!

Rui Mengmeng stood on the roof of One World Trade Center, facing the billowing water curtain, and remained motionless.

"ATField, fully open!"

An invisible wall opened with Rui Mengmeng as the center, blocking the southern tip of Manhattan Island.

In order to ensure that the tsunami would not land in New York City behind her, Rui Mengmeng continuously expanded the range of the AT force field, and finally formed a space barrier 500 meters high and five kilometers wide.

In the next second, the water wall slammed into the AT force field and could no longer move forward. However, the waves continued to pile up due to the push from behind. At the highest point, it even exceeded 400 meters, almost as high as the World Trade Center.

At this time, people at the southern tip of Manhattan clearly saw that the tide stopped abruptly in front of the Statue of Liberty. The vertical water curtain with a height of more than [-] meters was like a solid wall and a huge mirror. Spectacular.

The unmanned aerial vehicle flying at low altitude and the high-resolution satellite in satellite orbit also captured this soul-stirring scene.

Although people cannot see the AT force field with the naked eye, they can easily distinguish the "enchantment" set by the Statue of Liberty from this vertical water wall.

Although the tide kept churning and the waves rose again and again, Rui Mengmeng just stood firmly on the top of the tall building, with her right arm stretched forward, and her whole body turned into an indestructible barrier.

In the first 60 seconds after the tsunami struck, the waves surged several times, causing deep panic among New Yorkers.

But after 1 minute, no one doubted the power and kindness of the Statue of Liberty.

She saved the city!

Before that, the Statue of Liberty was an "evil god" who fooled the people and intended to subvert North America. However, after today's catastrophe, no one would suspect that Rui Mengmeng had any sinister intentions.

She used her actions to tell 3 million people in the United States what is the real God.

However, the tsunami has not completely receded, and the air defense sirens in New York City sounded again.

This time, a total of 9 missiles flew to Manhattan from different directions!

Iron Man has died with a nuclear bomb, and the Statue of Liberty is struggling to resist the tsunami caused by the explosion of the nuclear bomb, but now... 9, that is a full 9 nuclear bombs, not 9 bullets!

As the nine nuclear bombs flew closer and closer, despair once again filled people's hearts.

Li Feifei, who was standing on the edge of Times Square, showed a very unwilling expression at this moment—if the team she leads can defeat Thor and the others head-on, then there is no need to implement this set of battle plans.

In the previous discussion, she and Lena jointly decided that if they could defeat Thor head-on, they would silence the 10 nuclear bombs arranged by Ao Guanhai in advance so that he could not shoot them out; Resolve the nuclear bomb crisis to restore the reputation of the Statue of Liberty.

What the two of them didn't expect was that Rui Mengmeng would wake up at the critical moment of the war, let alone that a nuclear bomb would be launched early and escaped their control.

When Rui Mengmeng defeated Thor, the demon Abang reported to her the movement of the remaining 9 nuclear bombs, also to confirm which branch to choose in the next battle.

Rui Mengmeng's choice is to let the nuclear bomb explode!
Gather all 9 super-large-yield nuclear bombs over Manhattan and let them explode together!
The flying speed of the missiles is getting faster and faster, and they will arrive soon. According to the parameters set by Abang and others in advance, all 9 missiles will form a circle with a diameter of less than five kilometers in the sky above Manhattan Island .

The center of the ring is the Empire State Building. If these nine nuclear bombs explode together, the entire island of Manhattan will cease to exist, and the surrounding Long Island, New York, and Newark will also be affected.

Lena flew over Rui Mengmeng's head on a demon skateboard and headed straight for the Empire State Building.

In the surprised eyes of the people, Reina drew an afterimage in the sky, and finally stopped at the top of the Empire State Building.

She quickly put on the dark alloy armor, and after a lapse of several months, she reappeared in the world in the form of the goddess of dawn and the emperor of the sun.

"It's time!" The voice of the demon Abang rang in the ears of Rui Mengmeng and Leina at the same time.

Nine nuclear bombs detonated almost simultaneously, blasting nine dazzling lights in the sky, like nine suns.

"Nuclear fusion is also stellar energy. With me here today, don't even think about revealing it!"

Lena stood on the spire of a tall building and raised her arms, her whole body shone with golden light, more dazzling than the nine nuclear bombs that had just exploded!
"I am God, hahaha!"

A few minutes later, when the tsunami wave receded, the [-]-meter-high Statue of Liberty on Roosevelt Island was still standing.

On this day, the Statue of Liberty and the Goddess of Aurora became the saviors of the whole America.

 1. What this chapter said in the previous chapter should be said here. . . .Most of the high-yield nuclear bombs were manufactured during the Cold War. At that time, the guidance technology was not yet advanced, and relatively primitive inertial gyroscopes and quartz clocks were used. .Anyway, it's almost enough to reach the place, this thing is too destructive
  2. I am God, hahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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