The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 107 I'm Really Difficult to Serve

Chapter 107 I'm Really Difficult to Serve (1)
Yumo was woken up by the heat. She dreamed that she had turned into a rice dumpling and was boiled in a pot of boiling water. She screamed in shock and woke up profusely sweating. After waking up, she really found that she had been burned It was tied into a rice dumpling, but the heat source was not from boiling water, but from a bonfire beside him. The blazing flames scalded his skin extremely hot. Looking around, he found that it was a cave.

"Yo, little thing, are you awake?" Shu Du looked at her condescendingly, his eyes and expression were all smiling, his pair of blue eyes set off by the firelight, like the surface of the sea under the setting sun, was very deep and blurred.

Yu Mo just woke up, a little confused about the situation, stared at him for a long time, and it took a long time to recognize who he is, "Erha?"

Husky's 'two ha'.

When Shu Du heard this call, his facial expressions immediately twisted together, the muscles on his face trembled with anger, and he shouted: "Don't call me Erha!"

He is a wolf, how can he be compared with those two hundred and fifty silly dogs.

After being drunk by him, Yu Mo's mind cleared up, and he struggled to get rid of the quilt on his body, but the little wolf was tied very tightly, and there was no sign of loosening at all, "Where is this place? What are you trying to tie me here for?"

When Little Wolf tied her up, she was still playing chess with Duke Zhou in her dream, and now that she woke up, the first thing she saw was Shudu, and she was tied up so immobile again, she thought it was him who did it, and she widened her eyes in anger He closed his eyes and stared at him.

"Don't stare at me, it's not me who tied you up."

"If it's not you, who else could it be?" Which bastard would tie her up like a rice dumpling.

"I don't know, don't move, I'll untie it for you, but let's say it first, you can't escape after untie." He knelt down and loosened the strips that bound the quilt.

As soon as she untied it, Yu Mo immediately broke free from the quilt. She was covered in sweat. After she let go of the quilt, the wind blowing from the hole was very cool. In an instant, the pores shrank, and the hot sweat that came out of the cover was also evaporated. , but the result of shaking off the quilt was not very good. She found that she was wearing a small vest and hot pants. She was cool, and Shudu's eyes were too cool, and her eyes repeatedly lingered on her chest and buttocks. This outfit is no different from not wearing it in the mountain and sea world, it is very eye-catching.

Shu Du's eyes were as hot as the bonfire, Yumo noticed it, his face was hot, he squatted down and grabbed a handful of dust and sprinkled it on his face.

"Pervert!" She wrapped the quilt up again.

A satyr is a wolf, but this is a derogatory term.

Shu Du was watching with enthusiasm, and was blindfolded by the dust for a while, and spit out the sand in his mouth in a disheveled manner, thinking that this girl has a really bad temper, but for the sake of her good looks, his lord has a lot of it. Don't care about it, when he sneaked into the dogland palace to find her, he was really taken aback. The ugly little thing turned into a beauty. If her smell hadn't changed, he really thought he He found the wrong place. At that time, she had already been tied up into rice dumplings. He wondered who was so generous to help him tie up everyone.

Yu Mo looked around the cave and found that the little wolf was not there, so he had a bad feeling in his heart, "Where is the little wolf?"

She hadn't fully recovered from her illness before, and then she had a major operation that consumed mental energy. In the kennel, she woke up and turned into this dilapidated cave in front of her. How could she not let her worry about looking for the little wolf all over the cave.

When she woke up last time, the cave turned into a golden house, but this time it was the opposite. Will she still be able to sleep in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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