The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 108 I'm Really Difficult to Serve

Chapter 108 I'm Really Difficult to Serve (2)
Shu Du sat cross-legged by the campfire, picked up dead branches on the ground and threw them into the fire, "The stinky dog ​​is not here!"

Hearing that, Yu Mo was three meters away from him wrapped in a quilt, and questioned: "You kidnapped me!" He couldn't help but secretly scolded Xiao Lang for being such a stupid dog, who was already in his kennel, and he let her lose him.

"Who kidnapped you? I sincerely invited you, but the method was a bit rude. You can make up for it first. When I come to my territory, I will definitely provide you with delicious food and drink, and make amends for you."

If you want to blame this matter, you can blame the stinky dog ​​for saying nothing. If the stinky dog ​​is unkind, he is unrighteous. Although he is a bit despicable, it is all because of Le Xian's illness. As long as this girl can cure Le Xian's illness, he will definitely let her go People are good at serving.

"Do you want to eat chicken legs, the specialty of Niutoushan I just caught." He broke a fat chicken leg from the grill on the campfire and gave it to her.

This chicken leg is as big as a cow leg.

"Are you sure it's a chicken leg?"

The beef leg is not as big as it.

"The chickens in Niutou Mountain are all this big. You are from Xuanyuan, so you haven't seen them, but the taste is very good, you try..." They are now on this Niutou Mountain, and they can leave the sphere of influence of the Dog Realm after descending the mountain. It will be safe then.

He has powerful demonic powers, and he could travel thousands of miles a day, but the release of demonic powers during flight is easy for people to find traces. It is inevitable that this girl will be chased back. He chose to walk and erase the traces. It was a bit slow, but it was safe enough to travel halfway He was hungry, so he found a cave to rest.

Yumo slept all day and didn't have any water or rice. She must be hungry at this time, but she is a vegetarian and doesn't eat meat, so she turned her face away stubbornly, "I don't want you to be kind!"

"Oh, is that so? Well, if you don't eat it, I'll eat it." He stuffed the chicken leg into his mouth, and he ate it deliciously.

The taste was so tempting, it seduced Yu Mo's hunger even more, and his flat stomach made a gurgling sound without restraint, which shook the sky.

Her face was flushed with embarrassment, but Shu Du laughed loudly.

"why are you laughing!?"

He teased: "It's the first time I've heard a woman's stomach growling so loudly."

"I want you to take care of it!" Yu Mo stood up angrily, wrapped in a quilt and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Where are you going?" Shu Du's figure blocked her way in a blink of an eye. This girl must be trying to escape.

"I'm hungry, let's go find something to eat." Of course she wanted to escape, but Shudu and Na Li Wang were probably as high in rank, so she also needed to have the ability to escape.

"Isn't there a chicken?" He eats a lot, so he caught the largest cow pheasant and reserved it for her.

"I don't eat meat!"

"If you don't eat meat, what do you eat!?"

"Be vegetarian!" Yu Mo angrily pushed him away, tied the quilt tightly, "Get out of the way!"

Shu Du looked at her petite figure through the quilt, "No wonder she's so skinny, women still have to eat more meat, to look better with bigger breasts, well, chicken wings, I've roasted them until they're rotten."

The chicken wings in his hand are bigger than the chicken legs just now, and with two such wings on his back, he reckons that people can fly.

Yu Mo took the chicken leg and swung it at his forehead, "You said it's not a pervert, I don't care about you if I have big breasts, a dog's mouth... no, ivory can't be spit out of a wolf's mouth!"

Shu Du's face was smeared, but he still argued, "Men only like big breasts!"

He is kind.

Yu Mo was shaking with anger, took the chicken wings and started to slap him on the head, "Go to hell!"

This rough wolf.

"If you slap me again, I'll do it."

(End of this chapter)

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