The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 109 I'm Really Difficult to Serve

Chapter 109 I'm Really Difficult to Serve (3)
"You move!" The chicken wing in her hand hit him twice again, she was a standard C, but he was still too small, did she have any discernment.

Shu Du quickly grabbed one of her wrists, and she was also sensitive, so she switched to another and continued to smash, "Dead wolf, stinky wolf."

"Have you had enough?" He quickly grabbed her other hand and raised her two hands up.

"Dead wolf, let go!"

"It's okay to let go, but don't make trouble anymore." If you don't give some color, this girl won't know how to restrain herself.

Yu Mo was also quite splashy, kicking his crotch with his legs up.

Shu Du vigorously avoided it, and in turn stretched out his leg to abduct her.

Yu Mo's center of gravity was unstable, and he immediately fell to the ground, his face covered with ashes.

She had learned a lesson, no man in the world of mountains and seas would be sympathetic.

Lying on the ground, she spit out the sand in her mouth, raised her head and glared at Shudu, "A bad thing that bullies women."

"You're so aggressive, it's no wonder I don't bully you!" He sucked the strips he had just untied into his hand with his demon power.

"what are you doing!"

"Tie you up tightly, so that you won't make any more trouble!"

"you dare!"

"It's up to you!" He quickly tied Yu Mo back.

Yu Mo couldn't move again, his eyes were red with anger, "You are inhuman!"

"I'm not human." He's a wolf.

"You wait, I will let the little wolf take revenge."

He squatted on the ground and looked at her who was struggling back and forth because of the tying, "It depends on whether the smelly dog ​​has the ability."

Yumo struggled for a long time, she was hungry again, and soon lost her strength, the more she thought about it, the more wronged she was, what evil did she do in her previous life, to be bullied like this, last time it was a fox, this time it was a wolf, but her nature His temper is so stubborn, and he will never cry.

"Smelly wolf, I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges in recent days. Why did you kidnap me?"

"I said it's not kidnapping you, but inviting you, and you want me to say it several times."

"Is this your attitude of inviting me?" She seriously doubted whether he knew the word 'please'.

Shu Du: "..." Talking to women is troublesome.

He scratched his head, "Okay, let me tell you the truth, I took you away because I wanted you to save someone."

Yu Mo was stunned, "Who?"

"My sister!" Le Xian can be said to be his heart.

"Hehe, you still have a younger sister, who is so unlucky to have a brother like you."

Shu Du frowned and stared at her, "Can you woman talk?"

"That's better than your rude way of inviting!" This is not an invitation, it is clearly a grab.

"Don't worry about it so much, I will greet you well when you get back to my place." The premise is that she has cured Le Xian's illness.

Yu Mo is not a fool, let him say what he says, and then said, "Since you want me to see a doctor, you have to show some sincerity."

He was also generous, and replied, "What did you say you want!?"

"Let me go first."


"Hmph, is that so, then I won't help!" He was the one who asked her, so she should be the one to negotiate the terms, "Listen, my hands are mine, and my brain is mine. It's useless to force me. If you don't help me It just won't help!"

Shu Du's face turned cold, his facial features revealed a sharp-edged cold handsomeness, the charming light in his deep blue eyes condensed, it was a bit frightening, his beautiful lips were raised, and his whole expression was full of emotions Significantly the ferocity of the wolf.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"I'm afraid you will do something, kill me, who will save your sister, you tied me up so urgently, it means that you have found many wizards, none of them can save your sister, I am the last straw, kill Are you willing to leave me?" He had disdained her so much before, but now he wants her to go for medical treatment, which has already shown her importance.

Shu didn't expect that he would be pushed back so indistinctly by her words, his face couldn't hold back, he shook his head, then raised his head and laughed, "Little thing, you're quite smart!"

"Don't call me little thing." It was uncomfortable to hear.

"Okay, okay, if I don't call you little thing, then I'll be like a stinky dog, how about calling you silent?"

"No!" Who allowed him to yell so intimately.

Shu Du felt that his face was hot and his ass was cold again, and he said angrily, "Smelly dog ​​can call you that, why can't I."

"Cubs are different."

"What's the difference? You clearly favor one person over another, and why do you call him a little wolf? I am the wolf." He has long felt that this title is not right.

"Little Wolf is my name for him, that's what I like to call him." It would be best to piss him off.

"That won't work. A wolf is a wolf, and a dog is a dog. You must distinguish. I think it's better. From now on, you will call me little wolf, and I will call you Momo. As for the stinky can call him stinky dog."

Yu Mo only felt that this guy was a little too familiar, but he didn't continue what he said, turned his face away, and ignored him.

"Why didn't you speak?"

"I'm hungry, I don't have the strength to talk." She had already pressed her chest to her back.

"Eat chicken." Such a big chicken can definitely support her to death.

Yu Mo didn't speak, but gave him a blank look.

"If you have anything to say, don't keep staring at me."

She was still silent.

Shu felt a little uncomfortable, "Okay, okay, I understand, you are a vegetarian, I will pick some fruits for you, you women are troublesome."

"It's not sweet, I don't want to eat it."

"You ask so much."

"Then are you going or not!"

"Go, go, I'm a good man and don't fight with women." He really ran out to pick the fruit, but before he left, he cast a spell to create a barrier at the entrance of the cave.

After a while, he came back with a lot of fruit.

"Eat it!"

Yumo glared at him again.

Shu Du was confused, "Aren't you a vegetarian?"

Yumo gave him a very rude meal, "What to eat, how can I eat when I'm tied up?"

Shudu: "..."

This girl is really difficult to serve.

(End of this chapter)

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