The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 111 Hunting for the Demon Wolf King

Chapter 111 Hunting for the Demon Wolf King (2)
This is a huge loophole, and countermeasures must be arranged immediately, otherwise the wolf monster clan will be able to enter and leave the palace at will in the future.

Bu Jie ordered again, "Go and find Elder Cangwu, hurry up."



Wangcai Station is located in the south of the Quanjing Market. It occupies a large area. The street is bustling with activity during the daytime. At this time, it is simple and quiet. Only the two red lanterns hanging in front of the station are the most eye-catching, swaying in the wind, like Two small balls of fire, lush green trees in the courtyard of the post station, and a gurgling river passing through the gate, the environment is very beautiful, this post station is the largest and most luxurious in the dog environment, despite the disappointment of the owner, the taste is unique high.

Xiao Er, who was dozing off on the counter, was taken aback by the arrival of the little wolf, and stumbled out to salute and say hello.

"Where is the capital of Shu?"

Xiao Er knew who the wolf demon king was, but he didn't know his name, so he was a little stunned.

Little Wolf picked up his collar and dragged him away, "Take me to the best room."

He asked Awu to arrange for him to live in the post station in the city of Shu. According to Awu's temperament, he would definitely not neglect.

"Yes, yes, immediately, immediately!"

Xiao Er hurriedly ran to lead the way, walked through a long corridor, went up to the second floor, passed through several door openings, and arrived at the upper room.

"My lord, this is right here. I'm going to the upper house. Recently, the wolf demon king lives..."

Before he could finish speaking, the little wolf kicked the door open with a bang, and the room was completely dark. Xiaoer quickly took out a fire pocket and found a candlestick to light it up. With the fire, the inside of the room could be seen at a glance, and the decoration was quite elegant. Several small porcelain teapots were placed scatteredly on the wooden table. Behind a gourd-shaped carved door opening was the bedroom.

The little wolf walked in with big strides, and sure enough there was no one on the bed, his eyes darkened, and he slapped his palm instantly, and the expensive gold-threaded stepping bed couldn't withstand the heavy blow, and immediately shattered into a pile of wood slag.

"Shudu!" He roared uncontrollably.

When it was confirmed that Yumo was missing, he guessed that he had something to do with Shudu.

When Yu Mo fell into the hands of King Li earlier, he told Shu capital that Yu Mo might be able to cure Le Xian's illness. They didn't fully believe in Yu Mo's ability, but they also had the heart to try. After rescuing Yu Mo, he left Shudu in the inn on the grounds that she was in poor health. When he returned to the wolf clan, he never thought that he, who was impatient in the past, would not drive him away no matter what. He might have guessed that he would not let Yumo go to the wolf clan, and he had already developed a desire to seduce people. Now Yumo has performed a miracle. Like saving Dada, the news must have made him sure of her strength, so he decided to do it. As for the method of breaking the enchantment, it must be related to the Haotian Tower.


Awu is not as powerful as his monster power, and he chased after him with all his strength. When he landed and saw that Shu was gone, he was instantly relieved. As long as he couldn't touch him, the two of them would not be able to fight.

"King, calm down!"

cool down?

How can the little wolf calm down, he can't wait to kill Shudu now.

He turned around abruptly, and the purple and gold-edged cloak on his body spread out like wings. After walking out of the room, he raised his head and blew a whistle. Like a huge dark cloud, it floated from far to near.

"Wang Woo!"

The Tuntian dog stepped on the fire and landed obediently beside him. He turned over and rode on it, grabbed the rein around its neck, clamped his legs, and shouted: "Tuntian, find Shudu."

The swallowing dog raised its head and howled, a whirlwind blew up and flew into the air.

"Wang, wait for me!" When Awu was about to fly into the air, Xiaoer behind him suddenly hugged his leg.

"General Awu, the bed is broken, you have to pay for it!"

Awu shook his legs and wanted to get rid of him, "Why don't you go to Wang?"

"How dare I, king."

Xiao Er is also very strong, so he clings to it tightly. This bed is made of gold thread and wood, and it is outrageously expensive. If no one pays for it, he will definitely lose his job.

"Then I dare you."

"Aren't you a nice guy?"

"I came in a hurry today, I didn't bring any money, so I'll take credit first!"

"It's not impossible to use credit, but you have to write a certificate." Only in black and white can he explain to his employer.

"You can't trust me as a person." Didn't you just say that he is a good person?

"Brothers also have to settle accounts clearly. Your behavior is not as realistic as that written in black and white."

"Let me go first!"

"No, write me a note quickly."

This Xiaoer was completely on the fence with him.

Awu looked at the sky, and the shadow of the Tuntian dog had long disappeared. If he dragged on, he would not be able to catch up, so he had to compromise, and wrote a note and deposited it in Xiaoer's place. He chased people hard.

(End of this chapter)

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