The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 112 The Confidence of Threat

Chapter 112 The Confidence of Threat (1)
The border of the dog, Niutoushan.

At the foot of the mountain, Shudu is carrying Yumo on his back. As for why he is using his back, this is due to Yumo's heartfelt mentality of not wanting Shudu to feel better. Since he wants her to save others, he has to accept her. She doesn't count on the conditions offered, and she doesn't know where this is or how far it is from the Dogland, and it will be even worse if she meets someone bad.

When walking to a stream, Yu Mo patted his forehead, "Stop."

"What are you going to do?"


"Break again? You have rested seven or eight times since morning."

When she came out of the cave, she made many excuses, saying that she was tired, hot, hungry, and needed to rest after all the tossing. If she walked at this speed, she would not be able to go back to the wolf clan for a year.

"Are you thirsty?"

"There is water in the kettle." Knowing that she is a human being, not stronger than their monsters, and very fragile, she will die without water, so he prepared it early.

"Who wants to share a kettle with you? I don't want what you drank! Put me down, or I'll bite you!" He refused to let her rest before, so she bit his ear directly, who knew he was very sensitive , blushed from the base of her ears to her face, and almost threw her to the ground, this time she knew, she had to hold tight before biting.

As soon as he heard that she was going to bite him, Shu Du's face became inexplicably hot, "Don't mess around!" This girl is obviously human, but her teeth are very sharp.

"Then do you want to let go?"

Shu was afraid of her, so he had no choice but to let her go, "Let's talk about it first, we only have time to rest for a cup of tea."

"How long is a cup of tea? I don't understand." In fact, she understood, but she pretended not to understand, and deliberately confronted him. It's really interesting to think about this ancient man, how did he calculate that the time required for a cup of tea is equal to 15 minutes?

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as I understand, if I say go, you have to go."

"Hmph, that depends on whether I'm happy or not." Now she is the boss, and he has to listen to her.

"Then there is no more time for a stick of incense."

One stick of incense lasts for three to ten minutes, which is enough for him to accommodate her.

Yumo didn't expect Shu Du's temper to be so good at first, which shows how important that sister is to him, and the important thing can make him compromise so much, but it's good, the more important she is, the harder she will be to threaten her.

She was wrapped in a quilt and walked towards the stream. It was troublesome to walk in this dress, but she endured it, otherwise she would have made this stinky wolf cheaper.

Based on being bullied by King Li before and encountering piranhas in the stream, she had some shadows and didn't dare to get too close to the stream. She watched for a while, and dared to approach after making sure there were no monsters. She scooped up some water Washing his face, he was about to dry himself off with a quilt, but Shu Du took the initiative to send a handkerchief over.

"Here, take it, I haven't used it!"

This service attitude is quite good.

She took it, "Thanks!"

When wiping her face, the sheets on her body were all kinds of inconsistencies, which made her frown constantly, pulling the left side for a while, and pulling the right side for a while, which was extraordinarily strenuous.

Shu thought that she looked like a little white rabbit, which was so cute. It was unbelievable to think about it. How could such an ugly little dog turn into a beauty? It was his eyes that were cloudy. Be nice to her, so as not to be like this now, she always dislikes him.

Seeing that she was still pulling the quilt, and her appearance was as cute as it could be, he couldn't help but twitched his tight lips slightly, and said to her, "After we go down the mountain, we will pass by a small town. The territory of the clan, I will buy you clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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