The dog demon comes to tease a wife

114 Chapter 1 It feels really good

114 Chapter 1 It feels really good ([-])
Yumo thinks that Shu is very smart, but in Xiao Lang's heart he is a bastard. He knows that the Haotian Tower has the ability to weaken the barrier of the dog realm, so he doesn't hide it. Stealing people in the middle of the night, this is not two, what could it be?
He drove the Tuntian dog to chase all the way, and the speed was extremely fast. The so-called high altitude is extremely cold, the higher the temperature, the lower the temperature. If ordinary people are speeding forward in the sky like this, their eyebrows and hair will already be covered with frost, but he is fine. No matter how cold he was, he couldn't cool down the flames in his heart. On the contrary, it became more and more intense. The Tuntian dog under him seemed to realize this, and tried his best to find Shudu and Yumo for him. trail.

Its sense of smell is the most sensitive among Warcraft, but it is also no match for the power of the exorcism powder, and the two of them can't be found after smelling halfway.

"Wow..." It glanced at the little wolf cautiously, holding its tail between its hind legs in fear. At such a time, it had to admit its mistakes actively, and being cute would only add fuel to the fire.

The little wolf gave it a hard look, "What do you want!?"

"Woo..." It drooped its ears and slowed down its pace dejectedly.

There is no cloud in the sky, and the rivers and mountains below can be seen at a glance. The scenery is infinitely beautiful. The little wolf frowned and searched all the trails on the ground. His eyesight is very good. Even if he is far away, he can see everything on the ground clearly. Chu.

There are only two roads out of Dogland Island, and you can go straight to the Heavenly Wolf Realm to the north, but based on his understanding of Shudu, this guy will definitely not let him find his tracks easily.

"Tuntian, go south!"

"Wow!" Tuntiangou leaned to one side, opened his legs and turned around.

On the way, Little Wolf carefully considered the possible route of Shudu.

From Quanjing Island to Tianlang Realm, at the speed of flying in Shudu, it will take at least 5 days. If he releases his demon power and flies back, it is impossible for Tuntian Dog to miss his trace. He must have chosen the land route , although the footsteps will be slow, but it can effectively avoid tracking. Maybe I can rush to the main passage of the Sirius Realm to ambush him. Unless he does not return to the wolf monster clan, he can always be caught, but after thinking , the plan was rejected again.

The Dog Land is different from the Sirius Land. The Sirius Land is an empty island suspended in the air. There are six islands. The islands are connected by ladders, surrounded by barriers, making it difficult to break in. The ladders at the entrances and exits are ever-changing. It is very easy to get lost with the token guide. Although it is possible to intercept Shudu before he climbs the ladder, there are three entrance passages leading to the ladder, and they are far apart. After entering the territory of the capital of Shu, it would be even more difficult to get her back. What's more troublesome is that if I accidentally leaked my whereabouts while ambushing, it might arouse the suspicion and suspicion of the wolf monster clan.

For the present plan...the only way is to find out his whereabouts.

If the capital of Shu really went to the south...

He pulled the rein of Tuntian Dog, "Go to Niutoushan!" If it was him, if he wanted to lead Yumo to avoid tracking, he would definitely find a way to hide her smell first, and Niutoushan would be the best choice.

"Wow!" Tuntian dog raised its front hooves like a horse, and after neighing, it walked towards Niutoushan with all four feet on fire.

A Wu who was behind was desperately chasing after them, and he couldn't bear to see them. Just as he was about to take a breath, the Tuntian dog suddenly disappeared again.

With a bitter face, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and tried his best to catch up again.

On the other side, Yumo was carried to Squirrel Town by Shudu with a bitter face.

Speaking of the small town, it's ridiculously small. From the place where you enter, you can see the exit at a glance. It's a mini city.

(End of this chapter)

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