The dog demon comes to tease a wife

115 Chapter 2 It feels really good

115 Chapter 2 It feels really good ([-])
Although small, it has everything you need. Shops, pharmacies, tea sheds, post stations, all kinds of small shops are available, but it may be that the location is remote, there are few merchants coming and going, there are no people on the street, a gust of wind blows, and it looks a little depressed. some.

Shu Du carried her with one hand, showing no signs of exertion, but was hungry again.

"There's a tea shed up ahead, let's go there and have a rest." He also ate a steamed stuffed bun.

To rest, Yumo agrees with both hands and feet, but...

"Erha, can you let me down and walk by myself." Always being carried like this, everyone who met along the way would all look at her in unison, as if she was some kind of rare beast, which was very weird.

"I told you, don't call me Erha, call me Little Wolf." He was completely at odds with the name Little Wolf.

"The little wolf already has someone, so it's not easy to take over."

"Then call me Big Wolf!" He stroked his chin, suddenly felt that the name was good, grinned, and began to admire his own wit, "It's good to crush that smelly dog."

big wolf...

Yu Mo rolled his eyes, this guy's taste in naming needs to be improved, "What a wolf, I'm still Wu Dalang."

"Who is this?" Who is so clever that he even had the same name as him.

"You don't even know if you tell him!" If you want to tell him that Wu Dalang is a classic figure with a green hat, he is afraid that his face will turn green too. She stretched out her arm from under the quilt and patted him on the shoulder, "Put me down quickly, Carrying me like this, you are not afraid of being misunderstood as a flower picker." She was wrapped in a sheet and tied up, her image was a bit like a beautiful lady who was intercepted by the flower picking road,
Shu Du smiled and said, "What kind of flower pickers are not popular in the world of mountains and seas. If you really want to fall in love with a woman who wants to sleep with her, how can you walk around with her shoulders so that everyone knows it? If you really want to do this, it will be a responsibility." attitude of responsibility."

"if not?"

"Just force it, and leave after sleeping!" He said without being arrogant.

Yu Mo slapped him with his hands, "vulgar!" It's really a model of how a wolf can't spit out ivory.

Shu Du's face turned pale, "Hit me again! You are sure that I have no temper, right?"

This girl has been full of vigor since she woke up, and if she is upset, she will show his face, and if she is allowed to let her go like this, what is his wolf power, she must show her some color.

Yu Mo showed a mouthful of white teeth, shining brightly, with an astonishing momentum. By the way, he stretched his teeth and claws in front of his face, and shouted: "I'll say it again, let me down quickly, or I will scratch your face and bite off your ears , you choose one!"

Shudu: "..."

This girl is not afraid of him at all.

The rising wolf prestige just... faded away.

"Oh..." Just let it go, it's not that I'm afraid of her, it's that a good wolf is not enough to fight a rabbit.

After Yumo landed, she loosened her muscles and bones, and was just about to take a step forward, but she didn't expect the sheet to be dragged on the ground, she stepped on it, and immediately tripped, and before she had time to ouch, Shudu had already firmly grasped it. stopped her.

"What's the use of splashing, you can't even walk." It's better to let him carry it.

"Stop talking nonsense, take me to buy clothes." She had had enough of the quilt.

"Okay, I'll take you there now, don't be upset, be careful and fall down again." He supported her waist with one hand, but murmured in his heart, the waist is so thin, it seems like it can be broken with a little force, Will it really break while walking? He still has to keep an eye on her.

The two walked into a clothing store, and a man dressed like a shopkeeper in front of the counter was bowing his head and thinking. He was thin and about the same height as Yu Mo. When his face was raised, Yu Mo knew which species he was.

A big rat!

That grayish-black skin, round eyes, pointed nose, big buck teeth, hare lips, and a whole set of goofy brows and mouse eyes.

"Hey, guest officer, are you here to buy clothes?" After seeing Shu Du and Yu Mo, he put down his abacus and greeted the guests in person. He was extremely obsequious and looked like a rat, and suddenly a huge long rat tail came out...

The tail of the mouse is not very good-looking, and it is still an enlarged version...

This visual effect... Yumo's face turned pale.

Although she is a veterinarian, the mouse... is really...

"Well, take out the most expensive ones, her size." Shu Du pointed at Yu Mo.

Yu Mo was also shocked in the scene of being served by a mouse that was the same size as her. It felt a little scary, and she couldn't help but grasp the corner of Shudu's clothes. Cockroaches, mice, and snakes can make women unable to restrain themselves something that screams.

Shu Du sensed her nervousness, "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure it won't bite?"

"Bite?" Shu Du's eyes fell on the small hand she was holding on to him. The slender hand looked much better than when she hit someone. He held it calmly, "Why did he bite you? If he Dare, I killed him."

Ouch, this little hand is cold and greasy...

Hehe, it feels really good.

(End of this chapter)

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