The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 128 A Little White Mouse

Chapter 128 A Little White Mouse (1)
The next day, in order to procrastinate, Yumo purposely slept until early in the morning, then dally washed his face and brushed his teeth, and ate his meals slowly as if playing back in slow motion. By the time he went shopping, it was already afternoon. He wasn't impatient at all, and stayed with her for a while.

Regarding this, Yu Mo was a little startled, thinking that this guy might still be suspicious of her, so he intentionally left her alone and observed her movements, this was the first time she had done such a thing as stealing skin from a tiger. It was not so smooth, which made her dare not be too picky when buying clothes, for fear that he would catch the little braid, and the success would fall short. I don't know if Shu Xiaoer has reached the dog realm, or if he has found the little wolf, thinking too much As a result, she began to be paranoid. For a while, she was worried that Shu Xiaoer would take money and quit his work, and did not go to the Dogland, and for a while, she was worried about whether something would happen to him on the road. With various entanglements in her heart, she unconsciously held onto him with both hands. A hole was torn out of the new clothes on the counter.

There was a hissing sound, which made everyone look at her in shock.

Her face was flushed with embarrassment, and she wished she could find a hole to drill.

The clerk in the store saw it, and his heart ached so badly that he couldn't speak fluently, "Girl... girl, you... you are about to let go, your clothes will be torn in half."

When Yu Mo heard it, she quickly let go, but it was already too late, the hole was so big that she could put a fist in it, she smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I just want to try to see if it's do I know..."

"This is a summer dress. It's made of silk. It's light and thin. What I want is to be cool and breathable. You can pull it like you, and the hemp rope is not enough for you..." The man took the clothes in his hand and looked at it. There was such a big hole. It's useless to make up, and afraid of Yumo's cheating, he said with a calm face, "Girl, you broke this. How many pairs of eyes in the store watched it. You can't deny it. It's because our clothes are not good, so we have to put them on." Buy it back."

"Don't worry, I won't deny it. I'll just buy it for how much you say."

Seeing that she didn't intend to deny it, the clerk's expression changed instantly, and he said with a smile: "We clearly marked the price, and we won't ask you for a single Luozhu. This piece is made of high-quality Kesi, and the color is also the latest one from our store. There are no other places, no second price, two Kezhu."

Two Ke beads are two hundred Luo beads, which is quite expensive!

Yumo distressedly took out the money bag in the bag.

Shu Du opened the curtain and walked in. Seeing her with a bitter face, he thought she was being bullied. He squeezed the candied haws tightly in his hand, walked over with a calm face, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I accidentally tore their clothes."

When the man saw Shudu staring at him fiercely, he couldn't help feeling a little scared, and took a few steps back, "This guest officer, the girl broke it by accident, if you don't believe it, ask other guests, they all saw it." Arrived!"

The guests present were called by name, and they all nodded in unison.

Shu Du handed the candied haws to Yu Mo, "Here, what you wanted to eat just now."

"Oh!" She took the red candied haws in a dispirited manner. She saw it outside just now, and clamored to eat it. She insisted on going out to buy it. Now she is not in the mood at all, and she still cares about money.

Two Ke beads, I don't know how many candied haws I can buy, I guess they can eat stomach ulcers.

"how much is it?"

She grabbed the purse tightly and said distressedly, "Two Ke beads!"

Upon hearing the price, Shu Du laughed, and reached out to pat her on the head, "Go eat gourds, why do you feel bad for such a little money?"

(End of this chapter)

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