The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 129 A Little White Mouse

Chapter 129 A Little White Mouse (2)
"Of course I feel distressed. I lost two Ke beads for no reason. What about two..." Although she is a rich woman now, it is still a lot of expenses. Wearing a torn dress, the more I think about it, the more distressed I become.

"Are you unhappy?"

She said in a dull voice, "It's a ghost to be happy!"

"You don't even want to eat candied haws?"

Yu Mo glanced at the candied haws, turned his eyes away in disgust, "It's not sweet anymore, what else to eat..."

Shu Du pursed his lips and smiled, "Is it just this temper?"

Yumo thought he was laughing, and stuffed the candied haws back into his hand, "You like it, then you can eat it. My girl is sad now, don't bother me!"

She turned around and went away sulking all by herself, blaming her bad hands for not being able to pull anything but the clothes.

Shu Du's eyes turned soft, and he looked at her side face. Whether she was angry or sarcastic, even if she kept a straight face and didn't speak, he also thought she was very beautiful. Her delicate face and bright red lips were beautiful from any angle. Yes, there was a tenderness in every part, like a glutinous rice doll, he wished he could take a bite, thinking of this, his heart jumped suddenly, and he became more and more fascinated.

Seeing that the money hadn't been paid yet, the clerk at the side saw that the money hadn't been paid yet, Yu Mo got up and didn't speak, and held on to the purse tightly. Guest officer, this compensation..."

Shu Du was disturbed, and glared at the buddy as if he had eaten gunpowder, "What's the rush, isn't it just torn clothes, it's all right now, you made her unhappy!"

The clerk opened his mouth to explain, but Shu Du's wolf eyes glared again, so fierce that the clerk wanted to cry. Seeing this, other customers in the store put down their clothes and left. I also changed to another house.

Seeing this, the man wanted to cry but didn't dare to provoke Shudu, his eyes were red with anxiety.

After a while, Shu Du said: "Go, take out all the best clothes in your store!"

"Huh?" The man thought he heard it wrong.

"Are you deaf, or can't understand, I told you to take out all your best clothes, and go quickly."

"The torn clothes..." He worried that when he went to get the clothes, the two of them would run away.

Shu Du snorted, took out his money bag and threw it on the counter. The unfastened money bag fell to the side, spilling out more than a dozen Jue beads, the glittering gold was extremely dazzling.

The guy's eyes were straight.

The shopkeeper in the inner room heard the sudden disappearance of the usual noise outside, and came out suspiciously. When he saw the purse, and then saw the glaring aura of Shudu, he hurried to the clerk to ask about the situation. The shopkeeper came. The guy naturally explained the cause of the whole thing in detail.

After hearing this, the shopkeeper shouted: "I have always taught you what I have taught you in the past. Hurry up and take out the best clothes from the storeroom. Don't neglect the distinguished guests."

"Yes, yes, right away, right away!" The man rushed to the warehouse and took out all the good clothes.

Shu Du didn't look at it too much, and pointed with his finger, "I want this one to this one..."

The man was dumbfounded. He bought about twenty pieces at once, and they were the most expensive in the store.

"I'll wrap it up and settle the score!"

"Yes, yes, just wait a moment, I will wrap it up for you right away."

Yumo was dumbfounded than his buddy, "What are you doing?"

Shu Du smiled mysteriously, "Just will be happy later." He turned his head and yelled at the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, you count those rags together, sir, I have plenty of money."

The shopkeeper was stunned, and looked at the abacus that he had just made up. The profit of these twenty pieces of clothes was very considerable, and it was at the retail price. Let alone one piece, even if ten pieces were broken, there would still be a lot of profit. Woolen cloth.

Everyone knows how to calculate this account.

"No need, no need, guest officer, you are so generous, how can you still pay for it? It's the clerk in the shop who has dirty eyes and doesn't know Taishan. I can't compensate you. Otherwise, I'll give you a piece of clothing , the same as the broken one, no, no, two pieces, here are two pieces, you can choose whatever you want, girl, and you will come back frequently in the future.”

The most important thing in doing business is to catch repeat customers, especially this kind of bold and distinguished customers, one hundred is not too many.

Yu Mo stared at the sudden change of things in shock.

Shu Du raised his eyebrows at her, and then happily put the candied haws in front of her eyes, "I see, there is no need to pay, and I also gave away two pieces. We made money, aren't you happy? Come, eat candied haws!"

Yu Mo: "..."

There is no need to pay for the compensation, but those twenty or so clothes... don't you need money?
This guy has no bottom line when he looks like a local tyrant.

After paying the bill, the clerk and the shopkeeper sent them to the street with a smile. After they left, Yu Mo looked at the pile of clothes and his mind was tied up. "Who is this for?"

"You! Who else could it be? You give me what you have, and I'll get it. By the way, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something more?"

Yumo thought to herself, this guy has no bottom line when he gets better, and he bought these clothes clearly to make her happy, so she couldn't help asking: "Why are you so nice to me?"

Even if it is to seek medical treatment and see a doctor for his sister, it doesn't need to be so good.

Because it was so good, she felt a little guilty.

Shu Du said without thinking, "If you are happy, I will be happy. If you are unhappy, I will be unhappy too. I don't know why, but I just want to treat you well anyway."

This answer made Yu Mo feel more guilty.

"Shudu..." She decided to tell him the truth, otherwise her conscience would be disturbed.


Before Yu Mo could muster up the courage to reveal the truth, there was a sudden curse from the end of the street.

"You bastard who kills thousands of knives, see if I don't beat you to death!"

Yu Mo was distracted, looked towards the voice of swearing, suddenly felt a pain in his waist, and was bumped by a black shadow, he took a closer look, it turned out to be a snow-white mouse demon, which looked like a chinchilla, On the big oval ear, the one on the right is missing a piece and is bleeding. It walks upright and has a human behavior pattern. Its height reaches Yu Mo's waist. It looks very scared and panicked. He wanted to open his mouth to make amends, but he frequently turned his head to look at the person who was chasing him.

Yumo found that it was covered with wounds, its cheeks were swollen like a steamed bun stuffed into its mouth, its white fur was covered with blood, most of it was whip wounds, and there were also burns. As it got closer and closer, the little white mouse trembled, but still He politely apologized, "Sister, I'm sorry, I bumped into you..."

When it opened its mouth, there was blood on its teeth...

This is definitely abuse level damage.

Chinchillas belong to the family Muridae, but they can be kept as pets.

Beating it angrily is tantamount to abusing pets...

Under the surprised eyes of the little chinchilla, Yu Mo pulled it behind him to protect it.

(End of this chapter)

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