The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 130 The Little Wolf Strikes Suddenly

Chapter 130 The Little Wolf Strikes Suddenly (1)
The scolding came from far and near, and a female mouse dressed as a servant came over. Because most of the mouse monsters were weak monsters, there was no way to complete the human form. Although she could walk upright, she still couldn't escape the appearance of a mouse. The waist circumference is estimated to be three feet, and she is covered in black and gray short hair, which looks like barbs, with the roots standing upright. She is wearing a khaki coarse cloth floral dress, the style of a peasant woman, with a red flower on her ear and a mouse mouth. Painted bright red, her appearance is extremely ridiculous, but she has a ferocious face, holding a whip in her hand, she keeps shouting, she can be called a first-class shrew among rats, she walks along, scolding all the way, constantly swearing, it is extremely ugly.

Shu Du was holding a pile of clothes, he could not spare both hands, and also covered his sight. When the little white mouse bumped into him, he didn't see it. He only noticed the existence of the little white mouse after hearing the scolding. Looking at it, with an angry expression on his face, he asked in surprise, "Why are you angry again?"

"Bullying small animals is unforgivable!"

Shu Du saw the white mouse tremblingly hiding behind her, and saw the female mouse running over with a domineering face, lest it would hurt her, he moved slightly to block her in front. The Haotian Tower trembled slightly, and he looked suspiciously, but it didn't move, and was hung on his waist quietly, making him think that the trembling just now was just his own illusion.

The little white mouse heard the scolding approaching, curled up on the ground, the clothes covering the body were full of holes, and the color was extremely old, like a piece of worn-out rag that had been used for many years, although the mouse monster was not perfect But the mouse's facial features still have their own advantages and disadvantages. This little white mouse looks very handsome. If it weren't for the blood stains and wounds, it must be 360 ​​degrees cute without dead ends. Judging by its age, it should be a child. A pair of round black eyes are right When she caught Yumo's gaze, she just felt that she was going to be turned into a bud.

The little white mouse frequently looked at the shrew mouse that was running over. Although it was scared, it still kindly reminded, "Sister, she is my aunt, she is very fierce, you... you better leave me alone."


Yu Mo was slightly taken aback, she would want to protect it, it was completely caused by the idea of ​​protecting small animals, she completely forgot that this is the world of mountains and seas, there is no such thing as human beings abusing small animals, if there is any, it is also a monster bullying a monster, I never thought of this The little white mouse and the evil female mouse are relatives, but no matter what kind, some people bully the weak, so they can't ignore it.

"Is she really your aunt?"

The little white mouse nodded.

"She did the injury on your body?"

The little white mouse showed sadness on its face, and then forced a smile, "Sister, it's okay, I'm used to it!"

"How can you get used to this, she hurt you like this, she obviously wanted your life!" This is how much sorrow, how much resentment, to toss such a child, she must not pretend to ignore it, even if it is someone else's family matter 'I don't bring such a bully.

She glanced at the little white mouse, thinking that it would be a good thing to do good deeds. In the human world, little white mice are objects that contribute to human medicine. They are either used to inject medicine for research, or are dissected by students in medical schools or biology classes. Including that she has done a lot of autopsies, and now she has met such a "spirited" mouse in the world of mountains and seas, how can she, a human being, stand by and watch.

"Sister, it really doesn't matter to me, you'd better go quickly!"

His aunt is too strong, a slap can probably blow her away, he can't hurt others.

"Don't be afraid, there's someone standing in front of you." Yu Mo seemed to have made up her mind to meddle in her own business, pointing to the capital of Shu ahead, she said confidently, "With him here, I won't be afraid to beat your aunt again."

(End of this chapter)

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