The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 131 The Little Wolf Strikes Suddenly

Chapter 131 The Little Wolf Strikes Suddenly (2)
Hearing this, Shu Du was overjoyed, and turned around, "You trust me so much?"

"Nonsense, if you can't beat her, you're a wolf if you're blind." She is still very good at judging the situation, and she has already weighed her own weight before meddling in matters. If she can't beat her, it doesn't matter, as long as she can beat Shu.

She winked at him, "You will help me?"

"You have such a good reason, and you can't find any flaws. Can I not help you? I'll take care of this business for you." She just wanted to be happy.

Hearing that, Yu Mo straightened his back, and looked at the little white mouse confidently, "I heard, we will take care of this business, please tell me first, what's your name?"

"My name is Duoji, and there are many, many, auspicious ones. My mother said that this name will bring me many, many blessings."

He seemed to like the name very much. When he talked about the origin of the name, his black eyes sparkled, but considering the injuries all over his body, the name became a satire.

"Why did your aunt beat you?"

Duoji's eyes darkened, and there was a trace of pain on his whole face, "Actually, it's not my aunt's fault, it's my fault..." He looked at his snow-like fur, and the pain in his eyes instantly turned into disgust, "It's my aunt's fault. Not good!"

"What's wrong?" Yumo looked at it, but it was very cute. Most chinchillas are rice, apricot and gray. There are also velvet black varieties, and there are also white belly, but there are special varieties with black and gray backs. Like Duoji, who are all white. This is the first time she has seen a chinchilla, an absolutely rare breed.

"Because I have a long body..."

"Duoji!" The Shrew Mouse came to her in a blink of an eye, and interrupted his conversation with Yu Mo fiercely. She scolded angrily, "You little bastard, how dare you run away from home? I think you are really bored."

The biggest problem of the so-called shrew is that she thinks she is the most violent in the world, no matter who is there, she doesn't care.

A thick black whip came down, as if she didn't see Yu Mo, it didn't matter if she didn't see Yu Mo, as long as Yu Mo was in Shu Du's eyes, she kicked it out with one kick, kicking the female mouse Three feet away, she rolled on the ground in pain and yelled loudly.

He was still angry, threw down his clothes, walked over and kicked, "Are you blind? Didn't see anyone there? Hurt her, I want your life!"

What a shrew is most afraid of is that someone is worse than herself. When this happens, she usually kicks her legs, lays on the ground and yells, "I've bullied a woman, someone has bullied a woman."

"Shut up!" Shu Du stepped on her fat face.

With a click, it was estimated that the cheekbones were cracked, the shrew mouse rolled its eyes, and passed out on the spot.

Seeing this, Yu Mo hurried over to see if she had been killed by Shudu, and touched her breath, it was okay, okay, still angry.

"You worry about what she does, such a shrew, die clean."

"Nonsense!" Yu Mo glared at him, "If you're dead, you won't be able to tell."

"I don't know what to say. Then I will hold you and fly into the sky to see who can find you." The mouse monster is weak, this is something that everyone in the mountain and sea world knows, and the human form is not perfect, let alone the sky. flew.

"Okay, you are right to force you, but I am a human being, and I will never fight when I can reason." Originally, I asked him for support, but I didn't expect this guy to be so irritable, and he did it without saying a word. If the mother mouse is really killed, they will become 'murderers'.

"If you want to reason with the shrew, it's not bad if you don't get scratched with blood all over your face. Just wait and go. You have to follow my method for this kind of thing."

(End of this chapter)

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