The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 134 The Little Wolf Strikes Suddenly

Chapter 134 The Little Wolf Strikes Suddenly (5)
A group of rat monsters were criticized by Yumo and retreated steadily, and they were even more puzzled. How did Duoji become a treasure in her eyes?
Yu Mo's argument is based on human psychology, but in animal psychology, there is no such thing as rare and precious. If you look different from your companions, it is a big taboo. If you see your biological parents, you will immediately abandon them.

"Girl, you don't know...we Rat Clan, there has never been white..."

"It's unlucky if you don't have it? Who told you, do you know the blue-nosed reindeer?"

Sanbo was stunned, "What is a reindeer?"

Yumo pointed at their noses and cursed, "You don't even know about reindeer, so it shows how ignorant you are!"

Shu Du was also quite curious when he heard this, and asked, "Momo, what is a reindeer, I have never seen it before, what does it look like, is it really a blue nose?"

Yu Mo glared at him, "Don't talk if you don't know."

Isn't this tearing her down?

"Sanbo, don't talk nonsense with this woman, hurry up and take Duoji back, Chunniang is still waiting for help."

"Yes, yes, if you drag it on any longer, you will really die."

Duoji knelt on the ground with a dying heart, but because of Yumo's words, there was a huge wave.

It was the first time I heard someone say he was cute and good-looking. He always thought he was ugly, different from other brothers, and envied them for having black and gray fur. He was ignorant when he was a child, and he even poured ink on his body He hoped that one day his white fur would become like them, but this expectation never came true. As he grew older, his white fur became more and more conspicuous, as white as snow, and could not be covered. The vicious words that followed have intensified.

Although the third uncle was worried about his daughter, he still said politely: "Girl, this is a matter of our village, please raise your hand..."

"Don't, I don't dare to take the word precious... I'll take care of this matter!" If she doesn't care, they will really burn this little white mouse to death.

"Girl... If you insist on this, we..."

"What do you want?" It was Shudu who spoke, and when he spoke, his human hands had turned into sharp claws, which were wolf claws, which were exceptionally sharp.

The rat demons were frightened, and took a few steps back.

"Uncle San, what should we do?"

"You ask me, how do I know? Oh, my daughter..." He was also anxious.

Yumo heard that, thinking of Chunniang who had a difficult labor, it seemed that they wanted to burn the mouse to save her, and she suddenly had a plan in her mind.

"Hey, let's have a discussion. I'm here to save Chunniang who is having a difficult labor. As long as her condition is not too bad, I can guarantee the safety of her mother and child. You must release Duoji, and you are not allowed to burn him to death, and you are not allowed to bully him anymore. .”

"Why should we trust you?"

This was embarrassing for Yu Mo, she really had no evidence to convince them, she frowned worriedly.

Shu didn't even like the way she frowned, he felt glaring when seeing her, and felt even more uncomfortable, so he directly showed his wolf claws, "Those who don't believe it can try it under my claws..."

A naked threat!

Whoever dares to try, with this claw, his stomach will be pierced.

A group of mouse demons dare not go forward, but Sanbo made a movement.

"The girl is a wizard?"

"Well, wizard!"

A wizard is a very rare profession in the world of mountains and seas. Only the royal family can hire a wizard. It is a blessing for their ancestors to meet them. Although I don't know how credible what she said is, it is better to find another way than to continue in this stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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