The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 135 The Little Wolf Strikes Suddenly

Chapter 135 The Little Wolf Strikes Suddenly (6)
"How sure is the girl?"

"I'm quite sure, but if you hesitate any longer, I don't think I'm sure." She was reminding that time waits for no one, and if you keep talking, wait for the body to be collected.

The third uncle knew the number, and immediately made a decision, "Girl, please!"

Yu Mo nodded, as expected, she is still old and sensible, and she knows that saving people is the top priority, and there is no point in talking too much.

Black Mouse Village, not far from Chishu Town, is just in the suburbs. It is a large village with more than 500 mouse monsters who have been weaving for generations.

Sanbo's residence is in the middle east of the village. It is a big house. His family is well-off. He has no children, but he has twelve daughters. Chunniang is the youngest and his most beloved daughter. Similarly, when giving birth, an area of ​​the delivery room will be set aside for delivery.

Yumo was invited into the delivery room, and there were crowds of female rat demons gathered around Chunniang's bed.

"Chun Niang, you have to hold on! When your father catches Dorje, you will be saved." The one who spoke was a female mouse in front of the bed. She was the oldest, and her facial features looked quite virtuous. It didn't sound good, "It's all because of Duoji, the little bastard who killed thousands of knives. He must have cursed you."

A mouse demon with the appearance of a midwife was sweating profusely and yelling at Chunniang, but unfortunately Chunniang had already gone out too much and had less air intake. The mouse face was obviously dark gray, but it was faintly whitish, distorted in pain. The face was born, but it was born no matter what, and finally took a few breaths, and then fell silent.

"Chunniang!" the previous mother mouse called out anxiously, tears streaming down one by one, and she held Chunniang's hand tightly, as if she would die with her.

Presumably it should be Chunniang's mother.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, Sanbo has invited the wizard back."

When all the mother mice turned their heads, they saw Yu Mo.

Yu Mo walked in calmly, "Everyone, let me see her situation first."

Chunniang's mother was still holding her daughter's hand tightly and refused to let go, her eyes were full of tears, so pitiful, a female mouse demon who followed Yumo caught up and bit her ear, "This girl is a wizard, Sanbo said Let her try."

"Where's Dorji?" Chunniang's mother gritted her teeth at the mention of the name Dorji.

"Bring it back, it's outside!"

"Then don't burn him?"

"The girl said that she came to rescue Chunniang, to ensure the safety of mother and child, and asked us to release Duoji."

Chunniang's mother seemed to hate Dorji deeply, and she was unhappy when she heard this, "If Dorji is not burned to death, what's the use of hiring a wizard?"

"Hey, we think so too, but this girl's bodyguard is so powerful, we dare not offend her."

"What if she can't save Chunniang?"

While checking on Chunniang, Yu Mo pricked up her ears and listened. When she heard this, she was so angry that she couldn't hope for something better at this critical moment. Why did she think about the worst, "Hey, what are you doing, auntie? Bit, so cynical?"

It was the mouse demon who brought her in who answered, "This is Sanbo's first wife, Chunniang's own mother."

"Oh, mother? From what she said just now, I thought she was a stepmother."

When Chunniang's mother heard this, her face was contorted, "What I said is the truth!"

"Fuck the truth, you are the master of feudal superstition. What's wrong, I don't think you are. Now you have to listen to me, and no one is allowed to speak."

Chunniang's mother was probably an uneducated shrew, and was about to swear, but was stopped by the female mouse demon who brought Yumo in.

(End of this chapter)

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