The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 141 Two Little Tails

Chapter 141 Two Little Tails (3)
Shu was displeased and said: "What's so interesting about that mother mouse, just let her live or die, don't worry about it, come back to the Sirius Realm with me." As if he was afraid that she would slip away, he stretched out his hand to pull her away.

The little wolf thought that hand was too dazzling, so he directly called Tuntian dog to come and bite him.

The Tuntian dog is a monster, and it is also the guard dog of the dog monster clan. Its force value is no worse than that of the big monsters, and the capital of Shu immediately fought with it.

After cleaning up the unsightly wolf, the little wolf saw that Yumo was wearing thin clothes and the night wind was a bit cold, so he took off his cloak to wrap her up for fear that she would catch a cold.

Yu Mo asked: "Little wolf, how did you know that I was in Black Rat Village and came here so fast?"

When she arranged for Shu Xiaoer to deliver the letter, she roughly calculated that it would take two days at the fastest, but she didn't expect him to come just after one day passed.

"After you were taken away by the capital of Shu, I set off to look for you. I met a rat demon delivering a letter at the foot of Niutou Mountain. I knew you had gone to Chishu Town, so I rushed over. When I passed by here, I smelled the Shu demon. The taste of both."

"No wonder!" What a coincidence.

Shu Du, who was fighting with Tuntian Dog, eavesdropped on the conversation between the two while fighting. After hearing this, he became uneasy, grabbed Tuntian Dog by its tail, swung it far away, and then flew down To ask what happened.

Earlier, he wondered how the smelly dog ​​found him, came so fast, and didn't go in the wrong direction at all. He knew that he hadn't shown any signs, so he thought it was a mistake in the letter to be sent by Chishu Town. After all the calculations, I didn't go to guard against this girl.

He landed in front of her with a sullen face, "Momo, do you owe me an explanation?"

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Yu Mo quickly hid behind the little wolf, "Who asked you to kidnap me? I have no choice but to!"

"When did you bribe Shu Xiaoer?"

"When we ate at the tea shed, after you gave me the money..."

Shu couldn't help clenching his fists and beating his chest. He dared to shoot himself in the foot with a rock, but there was still one thing that was unclear.

"Why did you write that letter of postoperative care in front of me..." Now that Shu Xiaoer is helping, this letter is superfluous. .

Yumo said: "Shocking... Don't do this, you might notice Shuxiaoer's movements."

She wrote this letter just to get attention, and she would have him notice whether the letter was discovered by Shudu. The purpose was to make him think that everything was under control, but secretly, she had already arranged another trick.

This is called a hundred secrets and one sparse.

But fortunately, Shudu found out, otherwise she wouldn't know that she was illiterate in the world of mountains and seas. As for how the letter would be sent, she didn't care, as long as it was sent, so the one who really controlled everything was actually She, not Shudu.

Compared to Shu Du's crushing chest and feet, the little wolf was extremely happy, and patted Momo on the head, "Haha, Momo, you're so smart!"

Shu Du's eyes focused on the little wolf viciously, and his laughter was so piercing that he rushed towards him.

The two fought again...

No matter how much Yu Mo tried to persuade her, her lips were worn out, but the two of them refused to listen, and had to force her to growl like a hag to stop.

"He hit me first!" Shu Du complained.

He was right, it was the little wolf who did it at first.

"I don't care about that, I just want to clean myself and drink water now!" Without a bit of a hag, they don't know how powerful humans are (well, the way owners and dogs get along.)
She is thirsty, hungry, and tired now, and she really doesn't have the heart to tell who is right and who is wrong, anyway, it won't be her who is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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