The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 142 Two Little Tails

Chapter 142 Two Little Tails (4)
Both Xiao Lang and Shu Du wanted to come over to comfort her, but when they came to her, they bumped into each other, they were facing each other, neither would let the other, they squeezed close to each other.

The little wolf squeezed out first, "Wait silently, I will find water for you!"

"I'll look for it, I'm sure I'll find it better than him." Shu Du was not far behind.

In the end, no one went to look for it, and there was a stalemate, because they were afraid that the other party would secretly take Yumo away.

Yumo had no choice but to rely on himself, looking for rivers along the way, and walking back to the previous river.

Dorji was still waiting in place, and when he saw her come back, he rushed over crying with joy, "Sister, I thought you were taken away by that big dog."

"Sorry for worrying you."

"It really scared me to death..." As soon as he said this, he saw the Tuntian dog following behind the little wolf. He was shocked again, but bravely blocked Yumo, "Sister, run away!" !"

He didn't catch up just now, this time he must protect the savior.

Yumo smiled and said, "It's okay, it's my friend's dog, it doesn't hurt anyone!"


She pointed to the little wolf, "His, don't be afraid!"

Dorje breathed a sigh of relief, and fell to the ground as soon as he relaxed. He was really frightened.

"Duoji, do you have a handkerchief?" Back at the river, she happened to wash her hands and face, and drank water along the way.

"Yes!" Duoji seemed to be ready a long time ago, and handed her a clean handkerchief.

The two canines, who were pulling handkerchiefs out of their pockets, were not as fast as he was, and suddenly felt sorry for each other, and both glared at him.

Duoji subconsciously hid beside Yumo, "Sister...why are these two brothers staring at me?"

Yu Mo looked over and shouted, "Why are you scaring him?"

Little wolf: "Is there?" He refused to admit it.

Shu Du: "I originally looked fierce, but he misunderstood." Perfect explanation.

Yumo patted Duoji's head to comfort him: "Don't be afraid, they won't bully you with me here, go, go with my sister to the river to wash your face!"

"Okay!" He followed her like a little follower.

After Yumo washed her hands and face, she also washed her feet. After washing, she felt at ease. As for the blood stains on her body...she called, "Shudu!"

Shu Du was called, and the gloomy look on his face disappeared. He shook his eyebrows at the little wolf, and ran over with a haughty attitude.

"What's the matter? Be silent!"

"Where are the new clothes you bought?"

Shu is frozen...clothes...thrown on the street!

"say something?"

"This..." Shu didn't dare to tell the truth, "You wash and go to bed first, and you will have new clothes to wear when you wake up." He decided to go to Chishu Town to buy again later.

"How can I sleep if it's so dirty? Ah!" She suddenly remembered that he seemed to have thrown away his clothes when he kicked the shrew mouse, and then she was in urgent need of saving someone, so she followed the mouse monster to Black Rat Village. As for the clothes... "You didn't pick it up, did you?"

Shu Du rubbed the back of his head and laughed, "If you drop it, you drop it, just buy it again!"

Yu Mo covered his forehead, so the expensive clothes must have been picked up by someone, what a waste,
Dorje said: "Sister, do you want clothes? I have them. If you don't mind, you can wear my mother's clothes. They are new. My mother will only wear them once." Although his mother passed away, he kept all her things. with.

Yu Mo thought that was the only way to go, "Thank you."

Duoji smiled shyly, "Sister, it's getting late, let's go back, there are some pears at home, I picked them, they are fresh, if you are hungry, you can eat them."

(End of this chapter)

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