The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 143 Two Little Tails

Chapter 143 Two Little Tails (5)
"it is good!"

The group followed Duoji back to the thatched hut. Xiaolang thought it would be better to take Yumo back overnight, but seeing that she was very tired, he didn't mention it. run.

However, more serious than sneaking away is the problem of sleeping at night. The four of them can't all sleep in the thatched hut.

He felt serious, but Yumo didn't, and asked the two canines to sleep outside, while she and the owner of the hut, Dorji, slept in the room.

Under the starry sky, Xiaolang and Shu both squatted at the door of the thatched cottage...becoming...watchdogs, oh, and a Tuntian dog, three watchdogs.

In the early morning when the first light appeared, Yumo woke up. After freshening up, she went to Sanbo’s house to check on Chunniang’s situation. Chunniang had already woken up and was screaming in bed because of the pain in her wound. There was no such advanced thing as analgesic sticks in the world of mountains and seas. , Yumo prescribed a prescription of traditional Chinese medicine to relieve pain, but she just talked but didn't write, because she couldn't write the characters of Shanhaijie.

The third uncle and the third aunt heard from the midwife that their daughter had been disemboweled, and they were worried that they would not survive. Even though Yu Mo repeatedly said that nothing would happen, they still didn't believe it. Yu Mo decided to stay and sit in town for a few days, waiting for Chun Niang It hurts, and I can walk on the ground before I go, and deal with Duoji's matter by the way.

After five days, Chun Niang was fine, she could eat and drink, and only when Yu Mo pressed her stomach hard to deflate her intestines, she wailed twice, and the rest of the time was not to mention how pleasant it was. A group of servants surrounded her, and in the past five days, she also fought with a group of rat monsters, trying her best to fight for Duoji's due interests and rights.

For example, it’s okay to work for my aunt’s house, but I’m not allowed to give up my wages, and I have to pay three meals a day, and I have to count him as a part of the silk business in Heishu Village. During the festive days in the village, I can’t miss his gifts. You can ignore him, but you can't be beaten and cold violence, especially you can't lynch, and so on.

How could the Rat Demon be willing? She was somewhat critical, but there were three 'vicious dogs' behind her. Every time she said a word, they would stare at them. Occasionally, they would show their canine teeth with a cold light. It was too scary, and they dared not what.

Yumo felt that talking alone could not solve the problem, he had to sign and write a promise.

In the end, the third uncle took the initiative and took care of the matter.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Yu Mo planned to go back with Little Wolf.

After Shu Du heard this, he immediately exploded, "You don't mean what you say!"

"Where does it count?"

Yumo sat at the table and watched Duoji make clothes. The child insisted on making new clothes for her, but she was so kind to him. She asked him to measure the size and watched him start work. Life is excellent, and Duoji is even more outstanding, which makes her look forward to it.

Shu Du was so angry that his teeth were itching, and he wanted to rush to her, but was stopped by the little wolf, "Speak as you speak, don't come close!"

He stood between him and Yu Mo like a door god.

Shudu almost got into a fight with him again, but luckily Duoji reminded him that his house was a thatched cottage, which couldn't stand the toss of these two big monsters, and would fall down at any time.

"You promised to cure Le Xian's disease, and the deposit has been collected."

"Accepted!" She will not deny this, "So I will cure the disease."

"In this case, why did you go back to the dog realm with the smelly dog?" Because of this, the teeth in Shu Du's mouth grew an inch in anger.

Yumo thinks it's time to explain. Before, she wanted to tell him the truth because of her uneasy conscience, but she was delayed by Dorji's matter.

"Shudu, I will definitely cure your sister's illness, but I won't go to the Sirius Realm with you. You can send your sister to the Dog Realm." There are many, and they are all demons. Before doing anything, she must first ensure her own safety. It's not that she is worried that Shu will harm her, but that she relies more on Xiaolang. With him around, she will feel safe.

(End of this chapter)

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