The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 148 Don't Say You Will Not Die

Chapter 148 Don't Say You Will Not Die (4)
"Don't cry!"

He sniffed and cried louder, "Sister, can you let me follow you, I will be good and eat very little, you can ask me to do whatever you want, just don't drive me away."

"It's Uncle San and the others bullying you again?" Yu Mo wondered what Uncle San said to him after she left, otherwise why would he suddenly follow.

He shook his head.

"Is that your aunt?"

He shook his head again.

"Which bastard is that?"

He cried more and more, with snot coming out, "No one bullies me, I just want to follow my sister, I don't want my sister to leave me, my sister is the first person who treats me well other than my mother, I can't bear my sister to leave , I am afraid that my sister will not remember me after she leaves, I have never been out of the village, I am afraid that when I miss my sister in the future, I will not be able to find a place, and I will never see my sister again!"

"Why didn't I say it when I left, and insisted on following secretly."

"I am a white mouse, which is inauspicious. I am afraid that my sister will also dislike me, so I want to secretly follow...follow my sister. I will stay wherever my sister is. It is good to be closer."

He humbly talked about his psychological desire, which made Yumo's nose sore, and took out a handkerchief to wipe his snot.

"Duoji, it's not that I won't let you follow, but that I can't take care of you forever." She is a human being, and she will return to the human world sooner or later, and will leave him sooner or later.

Duoji rushed over and hugged her waist, "I don't need my sister to take care of me, I will take care of myself, I will be good, I will be obedient, please don't let me go, one month will be fine, sister You try to let me serve you, maybe you will change your mind, okay? If it doesn't work in a month, half a month, ten days..."

The look in his expectant eyes made Yu Mo unable to stop saying no.

"Black Rat Village is your hometown. If you follow me to a place where you are not familiar with, and you are not of the same kind, you may be bullied even more severely."

"I'm not afraid! As long as I'm with my sister, Dorje is not afraid of anything." His eyes showed incomparable determination. "When I left the village, I burned down the thatched cottage... I have no home."

Yu Mo was startled, she was so decisive, how could she let him treat her like this.

"My sister, my uncle, my aunt, and the people in the village promised my sister not to bully me, but I know they will never like me. I don't want to spend the holidays alone, and I don't want no one to talk to me when I'm lonely. ...I don't want to be treated as air..."

He didn't tell her that after she left, Sanbo called him to him and asked him to do something good. If possible, it's better not to go down the mountain. Sanbo may have sympathy for him in his eyes, but more of it is disgust and love. Fear, as a white mouse demon, the clansmen will never accept him.

Loneliness is a very cold thing, cold enough to destroy a person's desire to live, people who have not experienced it can't understand, what he longs for is nothing more than warmth, even a look or a greeting is enough.

His words stung Yu Mo, he just wanted someone who could treat him as an ordinary person, such a request was too small, how could she refuse, she turned to look at little wolf.

Dogland is his territory, even if she wants to, he must agree, because demons don't like aliens, just like animals, they instinctively reject aliens.

"You want to keep him, I have no objection, but..." Xiaolang glanced sharply at Dorji, "Some things are best clarified."

"What?" Yu Mo didn't understand what he meant.

(End of this chapter)

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