The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 149 Don't Say You Will Not Die

Chapter 149 Don't Say You Will Not Die (5)
Shu Du sat cross-legged on the ground, and echoed, "That's right, I agree with Smelly Dog on this point."

The two actually said the same thing, it was almost like red rain.

When Yu Mo was wondering, Shu Du slapped him with a palm. She was startled, but found that he was not facing her, but Duoji.

"Shudu, what are you doing!?"

With a bang, when Shudu turned into a thousand-bladed claw with demonic energy and landed on Duoji's forehead, the little white mouse shone with white light all over, and gathered into a shield to block Shudu's blow.

Yumo was stunned.

Aren't rat demons all weak demons?

The little wolf protected her behind him, "Momo, how many mouse monsters do you think can keep up with the speed of me and Shudu?"

Yu Mo was stunned for a moment, she didn't understand at first, but after a while, she understood that Xiaolang and Shu are both god-level monsters, even if they are not flying, they also have foot strength that ordinary monsters can't reach, it only took them half a day Heishu Village arrived at Niutoushan in about [-] minutes. According to this speed, he would be able to return to the dog land in half a day. However, Shu Xiaoer, who delivered the letter, needed a chocobo as a means of transportation. It would take two or three days to deliver the letter to the dog realm. On the other hand, Duoji followed him all the way, and the distance was always kept within a hundred steps. That's where the gap lies.

She looked at Duoji in surprise, the white shield was still there, wrapping his petite body, resisting the continuous attacks of Shudu.

While attacking, Shu Du said: "This kid is quite powerful, he can even block my Thousand Blade Claw."

The so-called thousand-bladed claws are formed by evil spirits, shaped like a crescent moon, and as sharp as a sharp knife. With a single swing, they can shoot out thousands of claws, which is extremely powerful.

"Both you and Shu already knew about it?"

The little wolf said: "I didn't notice it when I was in Black Mouse Village, but he kept up with my speed effortlessly. Let's do it."

"Then he can change human form?"

The little wolf stroked his chin, and thought: "Since he can block Shudu's thousand-bladed claws, then the human form is definitely not difficult."

Yumo understood, and shouted at Shudu, "Enough, stop!"

Shu Du stopped, "Momo, he lied to you, he must teach you a lesson."

"That's between me and him, too."

Seeing her coming, Dorje put away the shield, probably thinking that she was angry, so he retracted into the cotton cloth again, curled up and squatted in a small corner.

"Duoji, you lied to everyone!"

Yumo is not angry, but he doesn't know. He can withstand the attack of Shudu, which proves that he is not weak. Then how can those weak chickens in the village bully him? The shield alone is afraid that it will be burned with fire. Even if cut with a knife, it will not break.

Huddled in the quilt, Duoji didn't speak, and moved to the other end like a little turtle.

"Duoji, the prerequisite for getting along with each other must be honesty..."

Dorje trembled, and it took a while to hear his voice.

"My mother said that the people in the village are all my relatives, of the same race, and the same race cannot hurt each other. No matter how much they hate me, as long as I am sincere, as long as I treat them sincerely, they will always like me, and they will always love me." There will be a day, so..." So he would rather be bullied, would rather be humiliated than fight back against them, but he didn't wait, never waited...

"Sister..." He poked his head out, tears blurred his cute little face again, "Am I not doing well enough..."

Yu Mo rushed over and hugged him tightly, "No, you did a good job, you are a good boy."

(End of this chapter)

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