The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 156 The Great Elder Cangwu

Chapter 156 The Great Elder Cangwu (6)
Bu Jie took a sip of tea leisurely, "You can do what you want, I don't care!" He didn't have time to worry about it either.

Cang Wu got up, shook his sleeves and left.

After he left, Bu Jie stayed alone in the same place for a long time without saying a word. During dinner, Lin Lang came over to serve the dishes, and Bu Jie, who had been silent for a long time, opened his mouth.

"Lin Lang, what is the order of the kings?"


"Alike in temperament, or similar in appearance?"

Lin Lang used to be Queen Qi Luo's guard, and she stayed with her the longest, and said: "The temperament is more similar!"

Bu Jie was silent again, until when the tea and cold rice was cold, he clenched his fist and beat his forehead, Cang Wu's warning finally got into his heart, even if he didn't believe it, he still felt worried.

can you?

If that girl falls in love with him...

In an instant, there was an affirmative answer in my heart.

He can!

It was night, Cang Wu stood in the gazebo of the mansion, behind him on the wooden table was a jug of wine, a qin, under the moonlight, he was as bright as a jade tree before the wind, after a long time of meditation, he sat down suddenly, played the qin, The melodious sound of the zither sounded like flowing water slipping through his fingertips, as if possessing a kind of magical power. Even the chirping of insects stopped, as if listening to this song of his, suddenly the sound of the zither stopped abruptly. , he frowned, his lips were tightly pursed, outlining a touch of Ling Han.


Under the moonlight, Elder Wisteria slowly walked over with a newly made side dish.

She is as young as him, with a graceful posture, bright eyes like water, and green temples, she looks as elegant as a chrysanthemum, with an unparalleled appearance.

It can be said that both husband and wife are evildoers.

She placed the side dishes on the table in an orderly manner, and said with a smile, "Still worried about the king?"

"As a minister, naturally you have to worry more."

Zi Tenghao lightly raised his wrist and poured wine for him, "Wang Zao is not a child who doesn't know what to do, he will know how to measure it."

"I'm afraid that he will use too much affection, and there will be no way out." He pondered for a long time in the pavilion, still worried that things would happen as he expected, and was extremely worried.

"But do you want to do it?" Wisteria said very lightly, like a feather falling into the water.

Cang Wu raised his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, his brows furrowed in hesitation.

"If the husband is afraid that he will hurt the king's heart, and the relationship between the monarch and his ministers will disappear from now on, I will do it for you."

His hand that was lightly holding the wine glass trembled, "Wisteria, you..."

She put out her hand and tapped his lips, and stopped what he was about to say, "I said when I married you that Wisteria would do anything for you until death." She looked into his eyes, hoping to see Come to something different.

But, no, it was still as cold as a pool.

"Wisteria, I told you, I don't need it!" The corners of his lips were slightly raised, but he was cold, not looking at her, "It's getting late, go to sleep."

Wisteria closed her eyes, feeling desolate in her heart, "Husband also rest earlier."

She backed down slowly, and turned her head when she reached the end. The man in the pavilion who looked like a banished fairy was her husband. How many women envied her, but only she knew that he married her only to prevent another "her" from marrying her. ' Difficult.

He and her only have the name of husband and wife, but not the reality of husband and wife.

The sound of the qin in the pavilion reappeared, melodious and melodious, sometimes sharp, sometimes high, with ups and downs without any abruptness, the sound of the qin and the people are both top quality.

When the song stopped, Cang Wu caressed the jade pendant at his waist, and pressed the mechanism hidden in the jade. The jade pendant was like a jade box, and when the lid was lifted, there was a small brocade pouch that had faded in color, and even a little Broken, such a thing is on him, no one would believe it even if they saw it with their own eyes.

He stroked the kit gently with his thumb, and the coldness in his eyes gradually dissipated, turning into a clear lake under the warmth of spring, and his clear voice was rare and gentle.

"Your son really troubles me. He is good like you, but he is not good. If you are still here, I am afraid you will let him go, but I know you love him to the bone, and you will never let him suffer that crime." , with a knife on the head of the word love, I don’t know, but I know, so what if I don’t love, will I be desperate, or will..." He looked at the kit, and raised a wry smile, "Forget it, I will. Looking at him, I only hope that he is not as stubborn as you, and leave as soon as he says, without leaving any room for reincarnation, if I don't live long, I will be angry with your mother and son!" He suddenly chuckled, " If you are still alive, you will definitely say when you hear this, you are such a monster, how could you die so early, you will surely live the same life as the world, yes, yes, you will throw me the leftover peach pits while talking..." The smile faded again here, and he raised his glass, one after another.

The east wind blows down the peach blossoms outside the pavilion, the petals shake off like rain...

He was a little drunk, and in a trance, he saw a woman standing under the rain of flowers, just standing, she was like the most eye-catching fire lotus blooming under the night sky, so glamorous, as if it had dyed all the youth in the world, when Her bright eyes turned around, and when she smiled slightly, everything in that moment turned pale, only she showed all her brilliance, he was shocked, got up hastily, and rushed under the rain of flowers, but she disappeared.

never see you again...

"Actually, I died a long time ago, on the day you married him..."

(End of this chapter)

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