The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 157: Picking Out Dog Ears

Chapter 157: Picking Out Dog Ears (1)
At noon, the sky was blue and the sun was scorching red. Yu Mo hugged Dorje, who had turned back into the form of a white chinchilla, and rode a Tuntian dog, slowly heading towards the dog land.

Duoji's white chinchilla is really cute in shape, like a plush toy, with smooth and fluffy fur and excellent hand feel, which makes Yumo always want to hug him. Although he took human form last night, he is still young and possesses demonic power The control is not mature enough, and he accidentally changed back when he woke up in the morning, but Xiao Lang said that his demon power is not weak, as long as he cultivates hard, the perfect human form is just around the corner.

However, compared to the human form, Yu Mo still prefers the form of the chinchilla, so he couldn't help rubbing his chin against Duoji's fur.

Dorje was itchy from being rubbed, and giggled.

The little wolf held an umbrella to shade the two of them, and walked slowly.

The three were talking and laughing, the atmosphere was very good, they loved each other like family members, but behind them there was a lonely black shadow that could not shine into the sun. The bright light ahead formed a strong contrast.

Duoji glanced at the black shadow, maybe couldn't bear it, raised his small head and said to Yumo: "Sister, brother wolf is still following..."

Yu Mo froze, and shouted: "Leave him alone!"

After knowing that it was this Erha who killed a thousand knives that caused her to eat the demon poison by mistake, the guilt and good feelings accumulated in the past few days disappeared, and there was no scum left, and she returned to before liberation.

"Oh..." Duoji sighed and shook the mouse's head, with an expression of helplessness, he turned his head and stopped talking.

A group of people continued to walk, the front was bright, the back was dark, the front was full of joy and laughter, and the back... was as sad as late autumn.

Shu Du couldn't hide the depression and anxiety in his heart. He kicked the stones on the road all over, and his right eye was still covered with bruises from Yu Mo's punch last night. The wolf eyes became panda eyes, matching his handsome face. It's not very romantic, I thought that according to Yu Mo's temperament, his temper comes and goes quickly, and he will be fine after a few words of coaxing, but who knows that the whole morning, no matter how he compensates or pleases him, it is useless, she just refuses She ignored him, she didn't even want to meet his eyes, she completely regarded him as air.

With a dismal face, he stretched out his hand and slapped his ear hard.

It's fine if you don't talk, you're really cheap!
The slap was hard and loud, and in the eyes of the little wolf, the mood would only be extraordinarily good, the smile on his face was blooming like a flower, and he asked caringly: "Mo Mo, do you want to rest for a while? "

"No need!" Riding the Tuntian Dog all the way, he didn't take a few steps on the road, so he didn't need to rest, and he was about to reach the Dog Land.

"It's sunny, let's find a shady place to sit, don't worry, I remember there is an orchard in front, and a lot of watermelons are planted, I'll go and buy some, you can try it?"

Dorji was born in poverty, and was bullied by his clansmen. He didn’t eat the next meal after eating it. He didn’t have much to eat, and he didn’t see the world, so he couldn’t help asking: “Brother Dog, what is watermelon? Is it delicious? "

He invented the names of Brother Wolf and Brother Dog himself, and he thought they were kind and easy to pronounce. He is so cute that he still doesn't know the real identities of Little Wolf and Shudu.

Yu Mo patted his mouse on the head, "Haven't you eaten it?"

He shook his head. When he was in the village, he ate only leftovers, or he went up the mountain to pick pears to eat, and nothing else.

Yu Mo's heart ached, and he immediately said, "Little Wolf, go and buy a bigger one."

"Okay!" He led the Tuntian dog under a big tree.

The Tuntian dog is taller than the average horse, and Yu Mo has some difficulty getting up and down, so it all depends on the little wolf's hand to hold him, and he is willing to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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