The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 172 A Casual Kiss

Chapter 172 A Casual Kiss (4)
Such a little wolf made her a little strange, but also a little proud, breaking her inherent impression. This was a very strange feeling, which made her suddenly a little dazed, and an indescribable warmth surged up in her chest.

"Sister, brother dog is so handsome!"



Yu Mo also thought that this little wolf was very handsome, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

When the little wolf turned his head, he met this smile, which seemed to be contagious. He also raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes overflowed with infinite tenderness, "Momo, come here!"


Yumo led Duoji and walked over, and the three of them followed Linlang upstairs.

After Dada found out, he turned over from the bed and got off the floor. When the three of them entered the door, they knelt down respectfully and bowed to Yu Mo.

"Dada thank you Miss for your life!"

"Don't, don't, get up quickly!"

He put his head on the ground and refused to get up for a long time.

Yu Mo couldn't stand such a big gift, so he hid behind the little wolf, pulled his clothes and said, "Quickly let him get up!"

"Dada, get up, you scared her!"

Dada raised her head, her gray face due to dying had long since disappeared. Although she was a little thinner than the first time she saw her, her face was rosy, which showed that there was indeed no serious problem.

Seeing that his complexion was so good, Yu Mo once again lamented how powerful the monster in the mountain and sea world is, how he can recover so quickly from such a serious injury, and immediately moved a little, wanting to take some of Dada's cells back to study for his second uncle impulse.

If such a powerful resilience is used in human medicine, it must be a historic breakthrough, but she just thought about it, and she would not really do this, because she has deeply understood since she was a child that human beings are pursuing medical progress. At the same time, how cruel.

Species different from humans, no matter how powerful and excellent they are, cannot be used as a reason to develop human medicine.


Facing Yu Mo, Dada felt a little guilty, because at the beginning he looked down on her very much, even despised her, and never thought that it was this person whom he despised who saved him.

He suddenly knelt down on the ground again, clenched his right fist and thumped his chest, "Miss, from now on Dada's life will be yours."

Yu Mo only felt a pain in his head, "Why are you saying this again!"

Xiaolang smiled, "Isn't it good? In the world of mountains and seas, I can feel relieved to have a few more people like this by your side."

"Isn't he your confidant?" As a confidant, of course you can only be loyal to one master, otherwise, how can you be called a confidant.

"I'm very generous, what's mine is yours, so Dada can also be your confidant!"

When Yu Mo heard this sentence, Yu Mo suddenly felt his heart beat a little faster, "Whatever is yours is mine, what is yours is mine."

Because she is the master.

"is it?"

"Originally!" She emphasized heavily, feeling her cheeks getting hotter, "I won't talk to you about this anymore, Dada, lie down and let me see your wound."

"Yes, miss!"

It was the first time for Dorje to meet Dada. He was a very polite child, and he greeted him loudly: "Brother, hello, my name is Dorje!"

Dada glanced at him, "This is..." He was patronizing Shane just now and didn't see him.

Yumo suddenly remembered that Dada was a cat demon, or a huge tabby cat, and his heart suddenly became tense, and he pulled Duoji behind him, "Dada, this... what do you usually like to eat?"

Although she was not sure whether the cats in the mountain and sea world also liked to eat mice, but it was always right to be on guard so that Dorji would not be eaten one day.

(End of this chapter)

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