The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 173 A Casual Kiss

Chapter 173 A Casual Kiss (6)
This means that because of Yumo's presence, even if he is jealous, he doesn't want to annoy her, but he has the final say on how to deal with Dada in the future, and it is not too late for a so-called gentleman to take revenge.

After hearing this, Shu Du felt cold, "These people are so loyal to you, they are really blind!"

"Really, I think this is the charm of personality!"

Shu Du bawled unceremoniously, "You are born with a belly full of bad water."

The little wolf couldn't deny this, and glanced at him coldly, "What about you?"

"Me?" Shu Du was taken aback.

"Don't you like silence?"

Shu Du was dumbfounded, "I like...Momo?"

"Isn't it?"

Shu Du looks up at the sky... Does he like to be silent?
He just felt very happy with her, always thinking about her, wanted to treat her well, wanted to take her back to Sirius Land to live together, when she was angry with him, he felt anxious, and when she ignored him, he felt bored .

Shu Du fell silent, squatting on the ground completely silent.

The corner of Xiaolang's mouth hooked slightly and invisible. He deliberately reminded Shudu just to let him clearly understand how he likes Yumo. Get it straight so he can have fun when he loses to himself.

Since you want to win, you have to win the opponent's heart and soul. The battlefield is the battlefield, and the love field is even more so.

"Little wolf, come here!" Yu Mo beckoned to him in the room.

He walked over, "what's the matter?"

Yumo took him to the back room, closed the door, and handed over the medicine list given by Lin Lang in his hand, "Help me see, what's written on it?"

He snorted, "Momo can't read?"

She said angrily, "Who says I can't read? It's because your handwriting in the mountains and seas is too ugly. You look like fish bones!" She will never admit that she is illiterate.

"Okay, I'll help you." He found a chair and sat down with the medicine list.

The list is full of the prescriptions prescribed by Bu Jie and the time of taking them, which are quite detailed.

Yu Mo leaned over and stuck to him, "Quickly tell me, what's written on it?"

The little wolf deliberately didn't say anything, but suddenly patted his thigh, "Sit up!"


"There is only one stool in the room. If I sit, you will be gone. There are a lot of things on it. It will take some time to talk about it. You will be tired if you stand."

Yu Mo seemed to think it made sense, and readily sat on his lap.

"Okay, tell me!"

He was smiling in his heart, but there was no movement on his face, he put his arms around her waist, and read the prescription on the medicine list.

Yu Mo listened carefully, and felt that Bu Jie still had two skills, "What's this word?" She decided to take the opportunity to recognize a few words, which were all prescriptions, which was the most suitable.

"Cursive characters!"

"So ugly?"


She nodded, "It doesn't look like grass, it looks like a cow!"

He couldn't stop laughing, because he was so close, every time he laughed, the hot air he exhaled was blowing on her earlobe.

She felt a little itchy, and her heartbeat quickened.

"Momo, do you know what this word is?"

For her, he must be patient, and he can't be in a hurry. If he is in a hurry, he will only scare her away. Everything must be done slowly, starting with letting her understand that he is a man.

"What... what..." Inexplicably, she stuttered.

The little wolf moved closer, his lips almost touching her earlobe, "Lan Zi, your Lan..."

The word "blue" came out of his mouth, as if with a magical power, it tickled her heart. She felt that her ears were about to melt under the heat of his blowing, so she hurriedly turned her head away. Unexpectedly, he was close, and when she was facing her, their lips just brushed each other inadvertently.

She was stunned for a moment and covered her lips.

The little wolf was also startled by this unintentional touch, his pupils dilated suddenly, his face was calm, but his heart was already in a state of eruption, and the hand on her waist trembled slightly.

Yumo felt that it was not that she had never kissed him before. When he was a dog, she did not know how many times she had kissed him, but it was the first time for him to be human now, and she was a little at a loss.

The two fell silent, neither spoke, but just stared at each other.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little ambiguous...


A sudden roar broke the ambiguity, and Shu Du hurried in from outside, his whole body refreshed.

"Momo, I understand, I want you to be my king..."

A demonic light suddenly condensed in the eyes of the little wolf, he gently pushed Yu Mo away, and slapped him out of the window with his palm...

Because Yu Mo was obsessed with the kiss just now, he didn't hear Shu Du's words clearly, and asked, "Did he say anything just now?"

Little Wolf clapped his hands, "No!"

Sooner or later, he would trample this stupid wolf to death.

Duoji, who was in the outer room, happened to be standing at the window, seeing Shu Du flying out, flying far, far away, and sighed: "There are so many stars nearby..."

(End of this chapter)

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