The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 174 A Fight in the Street

Chapter 174 A Fight in the Street (1)
After finishing off the Erha in Shudu, the little wolf patted his thigh, "Momo, come on, let's continue!"

The kiss just now was really an accident, but he enjoyed it very much, and he should put in more effort while the atmosphere is good.

But Yu Mo blushed with embarrassment because of the kiss, and didn't dare to approach him again, and hurriedly said: "I'm worried that Duoji will be scared outside alone, I... I... go find him."

This reason was too bad, but she couldn't think of anything else, so she rushed out the door after speaking.

The little wolf was startled, looked around at the inner room where only his own was left, hooked the corners of his mouth, and smiled helplessly, "Hey, let her escape..."

But it's not a bad thing, at least he's shy. Thinking of this, the smile on his face enlarged brightly, and his face was full of joy.


The door was opened again, and it was Lin Lang who came in.

Xiaolang Chunfeng's troubled face immediately became serious, returning to his previous aloofness.

"What's the matter?"

"I have something to report."

Seeing her serious appearance, Xiao Lang sat back on the chair, "Say it!"

"Elder Cangwu came to the mansion the day before yesterday."

Hearing this, the little wolf narrowed his eyes, his face was covered with a shadow, and his eyes fell on Lin Lang with an unusual coldness.

Regardless of what Cang Wu did in the Bujiao Mansion, as the manager of the Bujiao Mansion, it is a big taboo for her to reveal who her master has seen so hastily.

Lin Lang knelt down in fear, "If the king thinks that Lin Lang is provoking intentionally or seeking selfish revenge, Lin Lang will be punished immediately."

"When the queen mother was here, you were her confidant and her bodyguard. I know that you will never betray the queen mother in your life, but Lin Lang, you are now Bu Jie's person..."

"Lin Lang is only loyal to the Queen all his life. He was in the past, and he is still in the present. It doesn't matter who Lin Lang is working for now."

What she meant was to tell him that although the queen was dead, she still had a son, so her loyalty would not change, and she knew who the son was.

"Get up!"

"Thank you king!"

"What did Cang Wu say?"

Since she had hinted so clearly, he didn't have to beat around the bush.

"Although the king believes in Lin Lang's loyalty, will he think that Lin Lang's next words are selfish revenge?"

She had to be sure that he would believe what she said, otherwise it would be useless.

"You don't like Cangwu, this king knows it, but I know your character, and I will never deliberately frame him for your aunt Wisteria. You hate him, but because he knows he doesn't love Wisteria, but Or marry her, and let your aunt live in the pain of not being able to love her all her life..." At this point, Xiaolang smiled wryly, "If you want to talk about this matter, the queen mother will not be able to shirk responsibility. If you want to hate , the one you hate the most should be the queen mother."

It can be said that this marriage was facilitated by his mother and queen.

"Linlang doesn't hate the queen, because the queen never knew about Cangwu..." She gritted her teeth hard, and said in a decisive tone, "I only know that Cangwu was selfish and betrayed my aunt."

Wisteria is the daughter of the Huansi family, one of the nobles of the dog monster clan, and the younger sister of Zijin, the current head of the Huansi family, and Zijin is Linlang's mother.

"Since that's the case, this king doesn't believe that you will take private revenge, because this king knows that you will not harm me!"

If you want to ask who in the entire dog monster clan can move Cangwu, it must be him. If he cut off the head of a loyal minister because of her instigation, wouldn't it be infamous for thousands of years, which is no different from harming him, and if she really wants to If you want to retaliate, you won't be so sincere, just find someone secretly to give you a blow, why do you need to risk your head to see him like now.

(End of this chapter)

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