The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 175 A Fight in the Street

Chapter 175 A Fight in the Street (2)
Lin Lang was very moved when he heard this, and knelt down again, "The queen told Lin Lang more than once before she went to look at the king more."

"The queen mother knows that the king has a temper like hers, and occasionally will be irritable and will not listen to persuasion. She didn't keep you directly by the king's side, but sent you to serve Bu Jie. She also knows that Bu Jie likes to protect her weaknesses. If one day, your character is upright. You contradicted me, and he can save you."

"The Queen has great kindness and kindness towards Lin Lang, and she is as close as a sister..." Lin Lang burst into tears, crying uncontrollably, "If it wasn't for the fact that Lin Lang couldn't stay with her because of illness, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what, otherwise, if you go, can the queen mother live? You should know that the war can't be changed by you alone, it's just that you feel guilty."

Back then, the seal of Li Tiansi was broken and thousands of creatures were tortured and killed. Because it was an ancient beast with great power and cruel personality, it was happy to see blood. To defeat and save the lives, all the demon tribes decided to join forces to save the common people. His mother, queen and father joined the battle without hesitation. Although he was an adult at that time, his demon power was still growing. According to the practice of the Dog Monster Clan, he was sent to the Void Territory of Hell Pool for a trial period of 100 years. Within 100 years, he could not step out of the Void Realm. This Void Realm is an extremely cruel place of trial. There are some trials, no matter how strong you are, you can't get out, and you can't know what's going on outside, so when things happen, he doesn't know at all. When he leaves the test after 100 years, his father, queen mother and queen have all died in battle. Speaking of guilt, he was a hundred times more guilty than Lin Lang.

She stretched out her hand to Linlang, "Get up, don't kneel down, if the queen mother knows that the king made you kneel on the ground and cry non-stop, she will definitely beat me up in her dream."

Lin Lang smiled through tears: "My king, I'm still afraid of the queen just like when I was a child."

"Even my father is afraid of her, how can I not be afraid of her?" In terms of fierceness, there is really no other woman in this world who can be more fierce than his queen mother.

Lin Lang wiped away tears and said, "It's Lin Lang who has lost her shape."

She took a deep breath, and said again: "That day Cang Wu came to the mansion and mentioned the young lady's matter."

"I guess it's the same!" Cang Wu seldom goes out of the mansion, and he can't think of anything other than his own affairs that would allow him to come out to meet people.

"Isn't the king worried?"

Lin Lang felt that his expression was a little too calm. Although she was not familiar with Yu Mo, she only knew that she was a human being with excellent medical skills and could save Dada. She knew nothing about it and never cared about her. In fact, it wasn't until Bu Jie confronted him in the mansion that time, and when Cang Wu came to interview Yu Mo early in the morning, that she really took her heart. Today, she observed secretly and clearly understood how little wolf cares for her. The caring attitude and gentle eyes are exactly the same as the king's and queen's in those days. I am afraid that it will be difficult to change the love.

"He just wanted to attack her if he couldn't convince me."

"The king already knew?"

Little Wolf smiled undeniably, he didn't know that, but according to Cangwu's temperament, he would only do that, because he, like Bu Jie, regarded him as the king more important than his own life.

"Lin Lang, why did you tell this king about this?"

She is also a loyal person who can risk her life for him. It stands to reason that she should reject Yu Mo like Bu Jie Cangwu.

"Perhaps it's because Linlang doesn't have the broad vision like Master Bujie or Cangwu. She can't think of the interests of the ethnic group or the burden on the king. All she can think about is whether the king is happy or not, or it's because her aunt has been in love all her life. A person, disregarding himself like a moth to a flame, let Lin Lang know that wealth, power, or the righteousness of the ethnic group are not as happy as being alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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