The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 181 The White Fox Arrives

Chapter 181 The White Fox Arrives (1)
There is an unwritten rule of the dog monster tribe, which was set by Queen Qiluo when she was alive. The rule clearly states that if there is a dispute between the dog monster tribe and if they have to fight, they are not allowed to use monster power, only violent fighting, that is, hand-to-hand combat.

Because all monsters are born with demon power, the difference is only strong and weak, if everyone is a strong demon, it is fair, but if there is a dispute between a strong demon and a weak demon, it is not right to use the demon power. To be fair, everyone knows that weak monsters can never defeat strong monsters.

In addition, it is also to avoid disputes, when one party is hot-headed, does not know the severity of the attack, and kills the other party by mistake, but martial arts is different. According to the muscles, bones and physique of the monsters, no matter how severe the injury is, it will only be flesh and blood In the pain of pain, I will definitely not lose my life, just vent my anger, after all, we are all clansmen, so there is no hurdle to overcome.

Queen Qiluo's words, the dog monster tribe has always followed the imperial edict, and they dare not disobey, and the end of the rules has also stated emphatically, if anyone does not abide by it, they will be dragged directly to the Hell Pool, and they will never get out in this life.

For example, that time when Bu Jie and Xiaolang had a dispute in the wizard's mansion because of Yumo, if he used the demon power to fight, he would break the rules, and even the king would be imprisoned in the Hell Pool. Fortunately, that time, the little wolf only released the demon power There was no real fight to intimidate Bujie, and the first punch was a combat without demon power, so it was not a violation.

Under these rules, how could Yin Ji use demon power, she could only fight purely, which also gave Yu Mo a chance.

When Yin Ji rushed over, he directly reached out to insert her eyes, no matter if it was a human or a demon, the eyes are weak parts, so suddenly they would close their eyes, and once they were closed, they would not be able to see anything So, he got the first chance, aimed directly at her chin, and gave her an uppercut.

Standard women's self-defense moves.

"Oh!" Yin Ji wailed and was knocked down to the ground.

Yumo strikes while the iron is hot, jumps over and rides on her, grabs her by the neck, and pushes her to the ground, "Let you scold me, let you scold me..."

In terms of fierceness, Yin Ji really can't compare with her. The three moves in a row are fast, accurate and ruthless.

"Yin'er!" Seeing that her younger sister was beaten to the ground, Jin Ji definitely wanted to go up to help.

Lin Lang reached out to block her way.

Her almond eyes widened, and she said angrily, "Auntie, what do you mean?"

"The Queen has made a rule that if two people fight each other, they are not allowed to use demon power without authorization. It also stipulates that when two people argue, no matter who they are or their status, the third person can't make a move."

It wasn't Lin Lang who was blocking her, but Qi Luo, the first queen, and this was an iron door that couldn't be kicked down. Jin Ji could only stand aside and worry, her teeth almost gnawed.

Lin Lang thought it was very interesting. She was worried that Yu Mo would be at a disadvantage, so she was busy trying to stop her, but she didn't expect this girl to be faster than her. Although she looked soft and weak, she was fierce enough to fight.

This temper, she likes it!

"Don't you scold me anymore, don't you scold me!" Yu Mo roared like a tigress.

Yin Ji was blindsided by her first three moves, but she was a monster after all, with great strength, and after slowing down, she came up with a move. She stretched out her hand and pulled Yu Mo's hair, "Smelly little demon, see if I don't kill you!" you."

"Dare to pull my hair, do you think I can't pull it?"

Yu Mo grabbed her fiercely with both hands, pinching her two balls and torturing her. She took a handful of dirt from the ground and sprinkled it on her eyes. Now she is riding on her, taking advantage of her. You can toss her.

Yin Ji was blindfolded by the soil, and she was blinded by the grab. Her hair was pulled so that her scalp hurt. She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. She had never suffered such hardships. After a while, she wanted to beg for mercy, but she refused to bow her head first, so she could only shout People helped.

(End of this chapter)

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