The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 182 The White Fox Arrives

Chapter 182 The White Fox Arrives (2)
"Sister, she hit me, come and save me!"

Jin Ji heard it in her ears, she was anxious in her heart, but with Lin Lang blocking her, she didn't dare to act rashly. If you want to say that this younger sister is really spoiled by herself, she neglects to practice, and she was beaten into such a miserable state by a little demon .

Yin Ji was born into a dog demon noble, born with the bloodline of a strong demon, and born with a human form, but a demon is not only strong enough to be powerful, but also needs to be cultivated, especially from adulthood to three hundred years old, which is the most critical period for the growth of demon power. At this stage, I can't help but practice monster power, find the right attributes for me, and keep up with the external force, otherwise it's just a show, and it's not useful, but every time I practice, this girl is less than a stick of incense Time is either hungry or sleepy, and there is no thought of practicing at all.

She is the youngest daughter in the family. She lost her mother since she was a child, and she was taken by Jin Ji. She took good care of this little girl and did not dare to be too strict. Considering that she is young and a woman, her bloodline and powerful demon power are overwhelming. There, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to fight, just choose a strong husband for her in the future and have children, so she didn't let her practice as hard as myself.

I never expected to meet this little monster today, it has no monster strength, but it is so powerful in fighting, its tactics are even a little despicable, it was directly hit, and it has no power to fight back.

"Sister, save me!" Yin Ji cried with tears streaming down her face.

Yu Mo turned her head and glared at Jin Ji. She was furious now, her blood boiled with excitement, and she was very interested. Come and hit one, come two and make a pair.

I am not afraid!
How dare these turtle grandchildren look down on people, and don't let them know how powerful humans are, so she won't be called Lan Yumo.

Duoji was already dumbfounded by the side, he only knew that Yu Mo's mouth was very powerful, and even a dozen rat monsters could not beat her alone, and he was so powerful even when he never wanted to fight. He wanted to go up and shoot her when he saw the woman swearing He vented his anger on her a few times, but he didn't have time to do anything. She had already vented her anger on herself, and it was so hard.

Yin Ji cried so much that her makeup was changed, her face was covered with snot and tears, her hair was disheveled, like a lunatic, her face was covered with dust, her tears were stained with dust, and there were mud marks on her beautiful face immediately. Ugly like a little tabby cat.

"Sister, it hurts! Sister, save me!"

"Girl, it was my sister who offended you by being rude. Please forgive her this time because she is still young and ignorant."

Jin Ji couldn't hear Yin Ji crying, she just felt a raw pain in her heart, and she couldn't make a move, so she could only show weakness.

Yu Mo licked her lips, seeing that she was quite polite, she wanted to let Yin Ji go, but Yin Ji was also a little rascal, when she heard her sister apologized, she scolded again: "Sister, don't treat this little bitch Apologize!"

"Damn, you scolded me again!"

Yumo got angry, grabbed a handful of mud and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Girl!" Jin Ji exclaimed.

Yin Ji ate a mouthful of mud and was speechless, so she could only whine.

"Are you still cursing?"

Jin Ji was afraid that Yin Ji would be hurt if this went on, so she had to ask Lin Lang, "Auntie, please help."

Lin Lang thought it wouldn't be good if this matter got bigger, so she nodded and said softly to Yu Mo: "Miss, you have already won, let her go."

"She's really annoying!"

"It's exasperating, but the lady is also angry!"

Yu Mo looked at Yin Ji indignantly, but when she saw that her mouth was stuffed with mud, she had a cat face, and her disheveled hair was really tragic, she suddenly lost her anger, and she was even more refreshed.

"Okay, just let it go, but let's say it first, if this girl dares to scold me again, I won't be polite."

(End of this chapter)

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