The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 190 Lin Lang's Determination

Chapter 190 Lin Lang's Determination (4)

Everyone present was shocked.

"Why did he come?" Bu Jie looked at Cang Wu, knowing that he is the best at measuring people's hearts.

Cang Wu raised his hand, put his palm horizontally in front of his lips, his thoughts were flying, his eyes were dark and bright.

It was quite unexpected that Li Wang would come.

Little Wolf signaled Lin Lang to get up, and gave her a seat, "How do you know he's here?"

"Lin Lang and Miss were wandering in the market and ran into him by chance."


Little Wolf never believed that this was a coincidence, who is King Li, how could it be so easy for people to know his whereabouts, it was not a coincidence, it was deliberate.

He smiled, "It seems that someone is more anxious than us."

Dada was lying on the bed, holding Awu's hand, and sat up, "Wang means..."


At this time, Cang Wu turned around from his thoughts, heard his words, and nodded in agreement.


Bu Jie wondered, "Why did you come to us?"

The dog demon and the fox demon have never had any contact, and there are many strong demon clans around the fox clan, and they have good friends. Why does King Li stay close and seek far away?

With clear eyes, Little Wolf raised his finger and pointed at Dada.

Dada was stunned, "Me?"

Cang Wu replied: "What he wants to deal with is the person who hurt you."

"White Feather?"

Little Wolf nodded: "You are my king's guard and confidant, and you are also the youngest son of the queen of the cat monster clan. If Bai Yu wounded you, you have already decided to be my enemy. What is the enemy's enemy?"

Dada understood, glanced at the scar on his chest, and thought about it, got up and knelt down in front of the little wolf.

"Wang, Dada has something to ask!"

The little wolf seemed to know what he was going to say, and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair, "You begged me, you just want me to agree to you, if the dog monster clan and the night falcon clan fight in the future, I will order you to be the vanguard. "

"Yes!" he said decisively.

If this enmity is not avenged, how will he gain a foothold in the dog monster clan in the future? Although he is a cat monster, he will go back if he can't get a foothold, but he has been with the little wolf for many years, and he has regarded the dog world as his second home. Existence has seriously threatened the current power structure of the mountain and sea world. If he is allowed to continue to grow, the cat monster clan will be his goal sooner or later.

Although the cat monsters are not weak, they are not strong enough either. If there is a war, the dog monsters will be the best shield.

Therefore, whether it is for the dog monster clan or the cat monster clan, this battle is imperative.

"My king will consider it! You heal your injury first, and we will talk about this matter later."

"Thank you king!"

Awu helped him up, and punched his chest, "Don't worry, brother, if we really want to fight, on that day, you will be the left forward, and I will be the right forward. We brothers will work together and we will be able to fight." That night falcon family killed every single one."

"Okay!" Dada reached out to shake hands with him, "That's the deal."

"Well, at that time, I helped you cut Bai Yu a few more times, and let him taste the feeling of tearing his skin and hurting his internal organs."


Cang Wu said: "When does the king plan to see King Li?"

"Not urgent!"

He is not in a hurry, but Bu Jie is.

"He's already here, but if you don't see him, why don't you just leave him alone?"

He was worried that if he did this, it would not sound good if it was spread out. If King Li flung his sleeves and left, wouldn't it be an enemy.

"If he wanted to see this king, he could have made it clear a long time ago, why bother to pass through Lin Lang, the majestic royal family came, let him know, will this king disappear?"

(End of this chapter)

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