The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 191 Lin Lang's Determination

Chapter 191 Lin Lang's Determination (5)
"My king is wise!" Cang Wu was very pleased with the little wolf's insight, "That's exactly the case, that King Li just wanted to raise his own value."

"Begging for help also raises your value, or do you still ask for help?"

Bu Jie thinks that Li Wang is really hypocritical.

The little wolf said: "If it were my king, I would do the same thing. If you want to talk about cooperation, the most taboo thing is to let the other party know that you are in a hurry."

Because the more anxious you are, the higher the conditions that the other party will offer.

Upon hearing this, Bu Jie complained: "There is really no one who can make people worry, one is better than the other."

Lin Lang squinted at him, "My lord, that's why Elder Cangwu didn't elect you as king at that time..."

At that time when Lietian was raging, Queen Qiluo, the former king and several brothers took the lead and died in battle one after another. Cultivating in the emptiness of Hell Pool, it is unknown whether he can come out safely. The only child of the royal family who can inherit the throne is Bu Jie. He is the younger brother of the former king, so he naturally has the right to inherit the throne.

However, Cangwu at that time, against all opinions, insisted on supporting Little Wolf as king, vowed not to change, and single-handedly fought the other elders and nobles of the dog monster clan to persuade them one by one, and finally waited for 30 years. Years later, welcome the little wolf to go out.

I have to say that this decision is not wrong.

It’s not that Bu Jie is not strong enough, or that he is not smart enough, but that to be a king, he must be more proficient in calculations and strategies than anyone else. In fact, Bu Jie also has strategies and calculations, but he is too soft-hearted and too lazy. Missing, it is doomed that he is not the best candidate for the king.

Bu Jie was stabbed suddenly, but he was not angry, and said, "I don't want to be a king. I don't even want to send me off. It's better to be a wizard."

Cang Wu snorted and didn't speak.

His decision now seems to be correct, but if Bu Jie hadn't had the temperament of waiting for the leisurely clouds and wild cranes, how could this decision be made? I am afraid that as early as a hundred years ago, the dog monster clan would have weakened its strength due to internal fighting, and became a mess. Other people's fish and meat are slaughtered by others.


"Chen is here!"

"You go and prepare, tomorrow morning..." Little Wolf paused, thinking that King Li had bullied Yu Mo, frowned slightly, and changed his mind, "No, wait a minute, he is not in a hurry, so this king will not." urgent!"


The corner of Xiaolang's mouth twitched. He promised Yumo that if he saw King Li again, he would definitely not make him feel better, so let him go in a hurry and take it as an outlet for her. However, the arrangements that should be made still have to be Do.

"Awu, send someone to watch him secretly!"


After the matter was over, everyone dispersed.

Lin Lang walked up to Bu Jie, and said coldly, "My lord, Lin Lang is quitting."

"Huh?" Bu Jie blinked at her dully, not understanding at all.

"From today onwards, Lin Lang is no longer the head of the Wizard's Mansion."

"Lin Lang, you are implying me in a disguised form that the salary is not enough, so you want me to pay more?"

It was Queen Qiluo's will that she would come to the wizard's mansion to be the manager. With her loyal and upright character, it was absolutely impossible for her to resign.

Lin Lang squinted at him, "No!"

"Then why!?"

"Lin Lang was blind before, but today she suddenly recovered."

This reason made Bu Jie dumbfounded, and he couldn't accept it, "It's not like you've been blind for a day or two."

To say that her temper is a bit stinky, and she looks down on him all day long, but "love with time" is of course not love. After being together for so many years, there is always affection, and suddenly she said quit and quit. , how can he accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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