The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 193 Barking Dogs Don’t Bite

Chapter 193 Barking Dogs Don’t Bite (1)
Yu Mo grabbed another pillow and threw it over, "What are you doing here!"

The little wolf caught it again neatly, caught a glimpse of the angry look on her face, and was a little surprised: "But because I didn't go shopping with you today?"

Yu Mo crossed his arms, sat on the edge of the bed and stared at him, "Hmph! You know it in your heart!"

"If Mo Mo doesn't say it clearly, how can I know?"

He hugged the pillow and walked over slowly, wanting to sit on the edge of the bed with her, but she pushed him away before his butt touched.

"Don't come close, stand still!"

She was angry and insisted on clarifying the matter before giving up.

"Okay, I'll stand, but you have to let me know what you're mad about?"

He decided that no matter what she said later, he would accept everything she said, without anger or anger, and apologized directly. Although it was detrimental to manhood, this feeling was not bad, and it seemed a bit like a husband and wife quarreling. Smiling a little happily, Yiyan stood in front of Yumo, waiting for her to teach her a lesson.

Seeing him smiling like a flower, Yu Mo didn't know what he was laughing at, and felt even more angry.

"Let me ask you... who is Jin Ji Yin Ji?"

The little wolf's eyes jumped suddenly, like a cold spring that had been ravaged by the cold wind, extremely cold, but there was still a gentle smile on his face, like sweet sand about to melt.

"Who did Mo Mo know about these two people?"

"Don't worry about it!" She didn't want him to know about the fight with Yin Ji, "You answer my question first."

"But Muxiang?"

Lin Lang had already told him about the fight between her and Yin Ji. Since she didn't want him to know about it, why would she suddenly ask about it? She must have known the identities of the two of them. Lin Lang would never tell her, so then It was only after she returned to the palace that she found out that Mother Calamus had always been cautious in her words and deeds, and it was impossible, so only Mu Xiang, an open-mouthed girl, was left.

Not only is his mouth open, but he also has no eyesight at all.

Such a girl, what's the use of keeping her!
The chill in his eyes became colder and colder, and at a glance, it was as cold as deep into the bone marrow, as if there were ice water mixed with countless sharp ice edges falling down his head in nine cold months, the blood could be frozen instantly , because it was too cold, Yumo finally noticed it.

"Don't take your anger out on others. Even if you want to hide this kind of thing, you won't be able to hide it for long. I'm neither blind nor deaf. I'll find out sooner or later."

Little wolf never expected this to happen, how could he admit it, he was a little anxious in his heart, and said in an impatient tone: "Momo, it's not what you think."

"So what?" The anger in Yu Mo's eyes has not dissipated, and the flames are burning more and more, "I tell you, you are not allowed to marry her! You must listen to me about this matter."

"Huh?" He only thought she was blaming him for hiding it, but he never expected that she wanted him to stop thinking about it.

Is this enlightenment?

He was really happy in his heart, but also a little dazed, as if he was surprised to see the beauty of countless flowers suddenly blooming in front of him.

This happiness came too fast.

"Hey what? This little shrew who can only bark, what do you want her to do, you must not allow it to affect the next generation, you know? Dogs are the most particular about breed and bloodlines. Only good parents and good children are good. If not , the puppies born are difficult to domesticate, and they will bite people when they go out..."

Little Wolf: "..."

What a cold basin of cold water it was pouring on his forehead, freezing the brilliant beauty of flowers in front of his eyes to grayish white.

Yu Mo continued to chatter: "If you want to breed, you must ask me, I think it's good."

The more he said it, the more shameful he was, and he even said the word "breeding". Can he be regarded as a breeder dog?
(End of this chapter)

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