The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 194 Barking Dogs Don’t Bite

Chapter 194 Barking Dogs Don’t Bite (2)
He frowned slightly, and the smile on his face was about to be unstoppable, lest he would be so angry that he would slap her butt, he let out a "sizzling" panting sound from his throat, trying his best to suppress the anger in his chest, and restrained: "Momo, I won't marry her."

In fact, he doesn't even remember what Yin Ji looks like. When it comes to marrying her, this matter was originally arranged by the elders. Giving birth to an heir has nothing to do with love.

If it weren't for the adventure in Xuanyuanjie, everything would have been the same, but he just happened to meet this little woman in front of him who made him gnash his teeth bluntly. As he wanted her more and more, he had already forgotten about it.

He shook his head and sighed, a vacant smile appeared on his face, meeting her was really a big problem for him from heaven, it not only sharpened his mind, but also tested his patience, sometimes he would think, why bother to wait She is enlightened, she has already come to the mountain and sea realm, without the Pangu axe, she will never go back for the rest of her life, where else can she escape, why not take her directly, let her hate or anger, look at the whole dog realm , who can stop him from trapping her for a lifetime.

But... the thought in his heart, every time he saw her, it turned into nothing, and turned into a thought that only wanted to make her happy and make her stay by his side willingly, even if he couldn't find it in the end The best way to get the best of both worlds is to go to Xuanyuan Realm and be a begging dog by her side, and he is willing to do so.

He even sighed more than once, how can love matters be so troublesome, yet make him persevere so much.


The depressed fire in his eyes gradually burned out, and when he met her, he regained that warm smile.

She had already been placed on the tip of his heart, engraved in his blood.

Seeing him sighing and laughing at times, Yumo couldn't understand, and worried whether her tone was too strong and hurt his heart.

"Actually...if you really like..."

"I don't like it!" He replied preemptively, so as to save her from saying things that made him unhappy.

In fact, this in itself already displeased him.


"True than gold."

Yu Mo didn't understand even more, and frowned and said: "You don't like it, and you don't want to marry, so why do people say that she is your default concubine, and what does concubine Ji mean... A wife is a wife, and concubine Ji ..."

Although she is a good child who loves to study, she reads many idle books, so she naturally knows what concubine Ji means. This is not a good name, and her status is extremely low.

The anger that had been suppressed in Xiaolang's heart resurfaced again. He had already made it so clear that she wanted to ask the bottom line.

"You don't have to worry about these things, I'll take care of them myself."

But Yu Mo still had something to say, "In addition to Yin Ji, there is also Jin Ji... I think she is more difficult to mess with than that Yin Ji."

"Silence!" he shouted, she was really talking endlessly, if she continued to babble, he would be so angry that his veins would explode.

"What?" Her mind was still entangled in those questions.

"I heard from Lin Lang that you and Yin Ji fought."

"Hey!" Yu Mo exclaimed, "Why did she tell you?"

"If you want people not to know, you have to do it yourself."


The fight effectively diverted her attention. She lifted the quilt and hid in. Just now she said that Yin Ji was a little shrew, but in fact she was more aggressive than Yin Ji, and she suddenly felt extremely ashamed.

The little wolf sat on the edge of the bed, watched her hide under the blanket, arched her body like a hill, and lifted a corner of the blanket, trying to see her face, but she pulled the corner of the blanket back.

(End of this chapter)

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