The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 195 Barking Dogs Don’t Bite

Chapter 195 Barking Dogs Don’t Bite (3)
He snorted: "Are you aware of your mistake?"

"No! She scolded me first."

"She scolded you, and you fought her?"

Although she won the fight, after thinking about it, it was the courage of a man. If it weren't for the rules set by the queen mother, no matter how weak Yin Ji was, she would not be an opponent.

She hid under the quilt and hummed: "Could it be possible to stand where you are and let her scold you?"

"You can come back and tell me!"

"This is a matter between me and her, and you don't need to intervene."

She has her own pride, and she will not let others intervene in matters that she can solve by herself.

"You never thought that she is a demon and you are a human being. It is impossible for you to win against her."

He had to remind her that if she was so impulsive again in the future, she might not be so lucky. If she met someone like Jin Ji, she would be the one who suffered.

Yumo really didn't think about this point. She saw Yin Ji scolding fiercely at the time, and she just wanted to teach her a lesson, and she didn't think about anything else. Now that Xiao Lang mentioned it, she also felt that it was incredible to win. That girl named Yin Ji No matter how badly she was beaten, she didn't use demon power on her. Linlang's blow was still fresh in her memory. If she did the same, she was afraid it would be over.

She lifted the quilt and poked her head out, "Why didn't she use demon power on me?"

"Because my mother..."

The little wolf explained the rules set by Queen Qi Luo.

Yu Mo suddenly realized, "So it's like this..." She quickly patted her small chest, "Fortunately, fortunately!"

If it weren't for this rule, she might be labeled as a disabled person.

"I was scared after knowing it. Why didn't you think about it before the fight?"

She took it for granted, "A dog that can bark doesn't bite people."

That Yin Ji scolded her every time she met her. She was petite and looked like a chili pepper, which reminded her of Chihuahua.

Little Wolf: "..."

He really couldn't refute this reason.

He coughed and said sternly, "Don't hear me next time?"

She also knew she was wrong, and nodded heavily, then suddenly thought of Jin Ji again.

"Little wolf, that Jin Ji..."

She wanted to ask if Jin Ji was very good, because compared to Yin Ji, Jin Ji seemed a little more introverted, and they were sisters. Today she defeated Yin Ji, and because of Lin Lang, Jin Ji calmed down in the end Well, I won't mention it anymore, but after all, she beat her younger sister. If she meets her in the future, if she is a powerful master, I will definitely take a detour.

What Little Wolf is most afraid of is that she brings up the matter of Jin Ji and Yin Ji. After going around for a while, she brings it back again and changes the topic again.

"Lin Lang also said, have you met King Li?"

As soon as she heard the name Li Wang, she lost all thoughts, only felt that there was a piece of soldering iron on her forehead, and smoke could come out at any time. She got out of the bed, picked up the quilt and threw it on the bed.

"Isn't it? It's really unlucky. It's hard to meet anyone, but to meet this stinky fox."

"Did he recognize you?"

Yu Mo nodded, "I'm also curious, how he recognized me."

When I met him, she was still a puppy, she had no resemblance to her current appearance, and there was no way to get in touch with her, but he recognized her right away.

She thought about it, and according to the habits of animals, she was afraid of what kind of smell was causing the trouble, so she couldn't help sniffing her wrist. She was very curious when she was in the human world, what kind of smell is this smell to animals?
She approached the little wolf and asked, "What do you smell of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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