The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 202 The crime of hurting the glass king

Chapter 202 The crime of hurting the glass king (4)
After Linlang came, she spent three days to sort out the matter of serving Yumo clearly, and even pointed out the shortcomings to Sister Changpu. She had some complaints about things such as wood incense, fungus, and purple scorpion that couldn't last long in human form, and ordered them to take some time to practice in the morning, and she taught them personally.

This is a good thing that can't be asked for, so they naturally obeyed.

This has also caused a heavy physical load in the past few days. Fortunately, it is very easy to serve Yumo, because she likes to do everything by herself, and there are set times for eating and bathing.

After Lin Lang knew about Yu Mo's habit, although she felt that it was inappropriate, she couldn't control her temper, so she could only let her do it. She also felt that the fungus, wood fragrance, and purple scorpion had too much free time, so she added their training time .

Therefore, Mu Xiang has worked extraordinarily hard these past few days. This practice is much more tiring than serving her. Her limbs are sore and her walking is a little unsteady.

Seeing that she was still holding on, Lin Lang said, "Go down and rest, the days will be long."

"But..." What Mu Xiang is most afraid of now is making a mistake in her errands, and she is afraid that she will make a mistake again in a daze, and her whole family will die by then.

"Don't..." Lin Lang's face suddenly changed, and she looked up at the sky, "Who is it!?"


Cangwu flew down, and seeing Lin Lang, he was very surprised, "Why are you here?"

Lin Lang stood in front of the hall door, "This should be what I asked the elder."

"I want to see the king!"

He knew that Lin Lang didn't like him, so he made it clear why he came.

"The king has rested!"

Cang Wu frowned and shouted: "Do you dare to stop the big event in the clan?"

"Dare to ask your lord what is the big deal!?"

Others would be afraid of him, but she wouldn't. On the contrary, she wanted to kill him every moment.

Although Cang Wu didn't have a good relationship with Lin Lang, he knew her character well, and didn't mind her rudeness, as long as he explained the matter clearly.

"Li Wang is injured!"

Lin Lang asked in surprise, "How come?"

"You ask me, who will I ask, and get out of the way quickly."

Lin Lang knew that this was a major matter, so she didn't dare to delay, and said, "Elder, wait a moment, I'll go in and report."

"Notification!? This is imminent..."

"Elder, the king is not the only one in the palace!"

Regardless of Yu Mo's status, she is always a woman. If he wants to trespass, he must first consider this etiquette.

Cang Wu said displeasedly: "A beauty is a disaster!"

Lin Lang sneered: "Does the elder dare to say it in front of the king?"

Cang Wu glared at her, "Did you just learn this from the Queen?"

These words stimulated Lin Lang.

Her eyes were red, and she said angrily: "You are not qualified to mention the queen!"

The past and the past were well known to each other, and they were immediately incompatible with each other like water and fire.

Mu Xiang was deeply afraid that the two would fight, so she hurried into the bedroom.

At this time, Yu Mo and the little wolf were taking a bath in the water room, no... it was Yu Mo who was bathing the little wolf.

Taking a bath is a pleasant thing, but for Yu Mo at this moment, life is really worse than death.

The little wolf's body was submerged in the warm water sprinkled with rose petals, his silver hair spread out like a voluptuous Milky Way, and on his jade-like face, there was a touch of indifference, a touch of wantonness, and the water droplets splashed everywhere, leaving behind a tinkling sound. The echo of the thud splashed out ripples, he closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and water droplets rolled on his bronze-colored skin, like pearls, shining brightly under the lamplight.

(End of this chapter)

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