The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 203 The crime of hurting the glass king

Chapter 203 The crime of hurting the glass king (6)
"Okay, if you keep rubbing, the skin will be scratched by you."

She quickly let go, he took the veil and wiped it off by himself, "Cangwu must have something to do when he sees me late at night, I'm afraid I will come back very late, you should go to bed early."

In the past few days, he has come to squeeze the quilt with her every night. If it is late and she is already asleep, he will also sneak into the bed to occupy a space. The face was so close that the tips of the noses met, she was so scared that she almost wet the bed.

"Sleep in your own room, I think you snore at night."

"Is there?" He can't snore, on the contrary, she does occasionally purr a little, like a kitten meowing.

"Yes!" she said with certainty.

He smiled and said, "Then just don't fight!"

Yu Mo: "..."

Say nothing!

Little wolf put on his coat, opened the door and went out. Lin Lang and Cang Wu faced each other, still refusing to let each other in. Seeing him coming out, the two retreated and knelt down.


"Well, get up!"

He immediately looked at Cang Wu, this old guy would visit late at night, it couldn't be a trivial matter, he actually had some guesses in his mind.

"But it's about King Li?"


Cang Wu recounted Li Wang's injury in detail.

After hearing this, the little wolf didn't even frown, but his golden eyes were cold and clear, and he suddenly smiled and said, "What a trick!"

Waiting for three days, I'm afraid that Li Wang was too anxious to think of such a method. I thought that after Lin Lang reported, he would see him, but he was indifferent. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face to ask for a meeting, and the cooperation will not stand on the same position, and it will inevitably be a little weaker. Now that he is injured, he went to the hospital, deliberately letting people know Regardless of his status, whoever dares to neglect him will definitely be Bu Jie to take care of him.

After such and such, it is unreasonable for him, the dog demon king, to not show up again.

"How is he hurt?"

"I hurt my elbow and got a bloody gash."

That was a skin trauma, and Bu Jie was more than capable of dealing with it.

"Who hurt him?"

The person who hurt him was completely unlucky. If he hurt the fox demon royal family, he couldn't escape the sentence.

"He was a vegetable farmer who sold vegetables in the market. It was said that he had a quarrel with his wife. He went to the post station to drink in a fit of anger. When he was drunk, he bumped into Li Wang. Although Li Wang gave in, he refused to let go. It turned out to be a big mistake. "

The little wolf said with a smile, "Really?"

"I heard what King Li's guards said..."

In fact, both he and Xiaolang knew that there was a reason for the collision. It was difficult to determine who was at fault first, because the incident happened late at night and there were too few witnesses. Er was also dozing off, and he didn't wake up until Li Wang was injured, and he only saw the result, but didn't know anything about the process.

If the dog monsters insist on exploring, they will only be said to be deliberately protecting their weaknesses.

So this bitter trick has to be said to be extremely subtle, so that others can't find fault.

Of course, it is a big loophole in itself that a vegetable farmer dog demon who is not yet perfect in human form can hurt the nine-tailed fox glass king, but it cannot be mentioned.

Hurting people is hurting people. If you use such reasons to prevaricate and spread the word, the dignity of the demon clan will be lost.

As for the real reason, it is useless to pursue it now.

The little wolf suddenly asked, "Does the vegetable farmer have any children?"

Cang Wu didn't understand why he would ask such a question, but he answered clearly.

"Yes, seven children!"

"What about the family situation?"

"It's okay, I heard that his wife is pregnant again." Cang Wu raised his eyes, "Wang, what do you plan to do?"

Generally speaking, to harm a royal family, especially a foreign royal family, death is unavoidable, because no matter what, King Li has to give an account, so this vegetable farmer is really unlucky.

But the little wolf said: "Whichever hand he hurts King Li, he will cut off that hand and send it to King Li."

"The king is sure it's appropriate to do this?" In terms of crime, it's too light.

"You feel light?"

"Yes!" He was afraid that Li Wang would be unable to justify it.

Xiaolang laughed and said, "I think it's just right. My wife is pregnant and doesn't know how to be compassionate and modest. She not only quarreled, but also went out at night to get drunk and make trouble. For such a husband, the punishment of cutting off one's hand is just right."

Cang Wu was startled, thinking that he was sentenced to the crime of hurting King Li, he never thought about it, but after thinking about it carefully, he also understood his thoughts.

The vegetable farmer is a dog monster and a member of the tribe. It is not worth it to die for this matter, but he is not completely innocent. Not loving his wife is the source of the fault, and they have to explain this matter to King Li.

With one hand, balance the two, you have an explanation to the clansmen and King Li, that's enough!

It's not that he cares about the vegetable farmer and has an unborn child.

Kings, strategy, benevolence and righteousness, all of them are the top grade.

Cang Wu was extremely pleased, bowed and said: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the sleeping hall, the lights in the hall were reflected in his eyes, but it turned into the color of icy edges in nine cold months, it was so cold, and the killing intent hidden in his heart became more and more intense.

Because, he will never allow the dog monster clan to lose such a top-rank king.

(End of this chapter)

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