The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 214 The matter of the daughter's house

Chapter 214 The matter of the daughter's house (5)
The capital of Shu suddenly summoned up courage and said, "Bowry gift!"

Sure enough!

Lin Lang's forehead was already dark.

Yu Mo was still in the fog. When he heard this word, he didn't know whether he didn't understand it clearly, or he really didn't understand. There was only doubt on his face.

"What dowry?"

"that is……"

"Wolf demon king!" Lin Lang yelled loudly, turned out his palm and pushed Shudu three feet away.

The strike was so fast that Shudu didn't react for a while.

He looked at Lin Lang confusedly, "Auntie, what do you mean?"

Lin Lang was able to subdue him when he was a child, but now he is no longer the child he was back then. With all his strength, Lin Lang may only be able to fight him with a hundred moves at most. This sudden attack of the palm will not pose any threat to him, at most I feel inexplicable.

"Lin Lang has something to say to the Demon Wolf King. This is an important matter. Please ask the Demon Wolf King to speak." She turned to look at Yu Mo again, "Miss, if you have had enough rest, let's go into the room."

She has already realized the seriousness of the matter, this is clearly a robbery.

Seeing her serious face, Yu Mo didn't seem to want to let himself know what she and Shu were going to say, so he didn't disturb her.

She nodded, turned and walked towards the bedroom.

Seeing her leaving, Shu Du became anxious, "Momo, I haven't finished my sentence yet."

The dowry is ready, but the marriage proposal has not yet been made.

The wolf demon is very particular about marrying a wife. In addition to the expensive dowry, the man's proposal is the most important step in order to show the importance and love for his future wife. He spent a day and a night in the palace courtyard before writing the long He spent half a day revising and reciting the marriage proposal on half a piece of paper, and finally memorized it by heart. It was time to strike while the iron was hot, and after a long time, he would not be able to remember it again.

Because he was a child who didn't like to study since he was a child.

Lin Lang politely blocked his way, leaned slightly and said: "Wolf Demon King, Miss is not in good health recently, you'd better not bother me, if you have something to tell Lin Lang, Lin Lang will convey it."

How can someone convey the marriage proposal? Even Shu could not do such a disrespectful thing to his wife, but when he heard that Yu Mo was in poor health, his attention was also diverted.

"Is Mo Mo uncomfortable? Have you hired a wizard? Bu Jie, tell him to roll over quickly and take a look for Mo Mo. If she has a headache, I will demolish your palace."

Lin Lang: "..."

This kind of care is probably deeply rooted in love. She never expected that this young lady would be so attractive, but this young lady is the person her king loves, and she must not be snatched away by others.

Shu Du was worried about Yumo's body, and stretched out a palm. This palm had absorbed the demonic power, and it couldn't do any harm to Lin Lang. He just wanted her not to keep blocking her. He flew up and wanted to break into the bedroom.

How could Lin Lang let him go, kicked her legs into the air, and stopped her, saying: "The bedroom is the lady's boudoir, how can a man be allowed to come and go freely, if the wolf demon king still knows etiquette, justice and shame, he should act with caution."

The capital of Shu understands etiquette, righteousness, integrity and shame, but it is unnecessary to act cautiously, because there is no such word in his dictionary at all. He is the wolf demon king, so he needs to act cautiously, let alone marrying a wife. It's up to who.

Absolutely can not delay!
"Auntie, Shudu has grown up!" It meant that she wanted to stop him forcefully, so don't blame him for not thinking about the old relationship.

Lin Lang was never afraid, and still stood in front of the palace gate.

Shu Du's eyes turned cold. It was a wolf after all. When he didn't make mistakes, he looked extremely terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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