The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 215 The matter of the daughter's house

Chapter 215 The matter of the daughter's house (6)
Lin Lang knew that she was no match for him, but if he let him in, the reputation of the young lady would be stained a bit, and it would be easy to attract people's attention, because she didn't protect well.

Just as he was about to start, Yu Mo suddenly screamed in the hall.


The two of them were startled, and looked in with fear. Lin Lang rushed into the bedroom first, and quickly closed the door when she entered.

Shu Du was a step late, worried about something wrong with Yumo, knocked on the door and shouted, "Mo Mo, what's wrong with you, did something happen?"

No one responded to him, and he became even more anxious.

"Mo Mo, please answer me, if you don't answer, I will break in."

Just as he was about to kick the door, Yu Mo screamed in the hall, "If you dare to come in, I will kill you!"


Shu Du was stunned, did he do something wrong again?
"Duoji goes out too!"

When the words fell, Duoji came out.

"What's wrong with your sister?" Shu Du grabbed him and asked.

"I don't know either." Duoji was also very puzzled.

"Useless things, I don't know how to ask inside." Shu Du pushed her away, and knocked on the door again, "Momo, what happened to you, tell me, so that I don't worry."

"Stop bothering me!"

Yu Mo's tone was startled and shy, making people very confused.

It seemed that they were searching for something in the hall, but they probably couldn't find it. After a while of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, they could only hear the sound of clanging.

Shu Du was restless and didn't dare to break in, so he had to pace back and forth outside.

At this time, the little wolf came, and at a glance he saw that Shu Du was there, and his brows were directly squeezed into a line.

"Why are you here?"

"You care about me so much." Shu Du never gave him a good face, but this is his territory after all, and said again: "You came at the right time, Mo Mo yelled a lot just now, and I don't know what happened ?”

Hearing this, the little wolf hurried up and knocked on the door.


Yumo's anxious voice sounded, "Don't come in!"

Little wolf didn't expect that he would be rejected, and his doubts deepened.

"Silence, open the door!"

There was no movement inside, and the palace door was still tightly closed.

He thought that Lin Lang should be inside, and shouted, "Is Auntie here?"

After a while, Linlang replied, "My lord, Linlang is here, please stay calm."

"Is there something wrong with silence?"

"No problem!"

"Then why don't you open the door?"

"This..." Lin Lang's voice hesitated, and then he heard footsteps.

The door of the palace was opened a crack, and Lin Lang showed her face. Seeing that Xiaolang and Shu were both there, they both looked anxiously to look inside, and generally kept silent as if they had something to hide.

"Speak, what's the matter?" Shu Du was eager to make sure that Yu Mo was safe, and took a step forward with his long legs, trying to squeeze into the crack of the door.

Lin Lang held the door open, and shouted, "The wolf demon king, don't mess around."

"Why is this nonsense, I just want to know what's wrong with Momo?"

But Lin Lang just didn't say it, isn't she anxious? Since she didn't say it, she had to figure it out by herself, "Get out of the way!"

"King of dog demon, can you smell a trace of blood?"

"Huh?" Shu Du, who was standing in front of the door, heard the voice and turned his head immediately, only to see that Li Wang was also there.

"Why are you here?"

Li Wang gently shook the paper fan in his hand, his posture was that of a jade tree facing the wind, and his expression was indifferent.

"I came with the demon dog king, but the beauties in the demon wolf king's anxiety palace didn't see me."

(End of this chapter)

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