The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 216 The matter of the daughter's house

Chapter 216 The matter of the daughter's house (7)
He did come with Xiaolang, the two chatted in the meeting hall all night, and they came out of the hall at dawn. When he learned that Xiaolang was going to see Yu Mo, he came together under the pretext of giving gifts.

This excuse is nothing more than the fact that he bullied Yu Mo in the forest that day, so he came here to make an apology and clear up the suspicion. Only he knows what it is. In addition, he still has a letter from Yu Mo to return, and Xiaolang can't refuse it.

The little wolf heard him say that there was a trace of blood, so he also sniffed it. Sure enough, there was a trace of blood in the hall, which was very faint, and he couldn't detect it unless he sniffed carefully.

When it comes to smell, foxes are even more acute than dogs.

His heart tightened suddenly, and he shouted at Lin Lang, "What happened?"

After Lin Lang heard this, she became anxious. She had never seen her so anxious before, and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, it's really all right!"

"How can there be a smell of blood?"

"This is..." Lin Lang faltered, almost jumping in anxiety.

"Get out of the way!" Little Wolf decided to go in and talk, he would only believe it if he saw Yu Mo with his own eyes.

Ever since Cang Wu told him about that incident, he was depressed all night and dared not come to see her. Who would have thought that she would have something to do right after he came here after only two days of not seeing her.

Lin Lang was still blocking the door, but her face was already flushed red.

"Say it again, my king, get out of the way!"

" must not..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little wolf pushed the door open with all his strength, and Lin Lang was pushed back a few steps.


The door opened, and the three of them went in, but Duoji was still standing outside, because Yumo said he wanted him to go out, and if she didn't tell him to go in, he wouldn't go in without authorization.

The sleeping hall is divided into an outer hall and an inner hall, separated by a huge screen.

"Moment!" Shudu rushed in three steps and two steps.

"Don't come here!" Yu Mo shouted, the voice seemed a little embarrassed, she was not in the inner hall, but in the water room.

Lin Lang also hurried over to block in front of the screen, "Wang, Wolf Demon King, Li Wang, please be sure to stay here later."

"Auntie, what's the delay at this time, get out of the way..." Shu Du was so anxious that he was about to explode.

Lin Lang only felt a pain in her head, she had never encountered such a problem in her life.


Yumo called inside, and she responded, "Miss, what's the matter?"

"I can't use it!"

Lin Lang: "..."

It really made her angry.

"What won't work!?" Shu Du couldn't understand at all.

The little wolf was also in a hurry, he shook off Lin Lang and walked in.

Yu Mo poked his head out of the water room and screamed when he saw him coming. "Don't come here!"

The little wolf was startled, and stopped abruptly, "Momo?"

"go out!"

Yu Mo's face was flushed, and seeing him wanting to get closer, she almost cried.

The little wolf didn't dare to make any further moves, so he could only ask Lin Lang for questions.

"What's the matter?"

It was hard for Lin Lang to speak, but the little wolf was unwilling to let go. If he went any further, he might really break in.

"Miss...Miss, she came to Guishui..."

The word Guishui sounded like a mosquito screeching, but all three of them were big demons with sensitive ears.

Guishui is commonly known as menstruation.

Little Wolf: "..." blushing.

Shu Du: "..." His face was very red.

Li Wang: "..." His face was expressionless.

Dorje: "..." Confused.

Yumo knew that the three of them knew about it, not to mention how Li Wang came, anyway, she was ready to dig a hole in the water room to get in, maybe it was too embarrassing and shy, she shouted: "What's the point? Strange, every month a woman will..."

Now that she is an adult, this kind of thing must be inevitable. She has not paid attention to it since she came to the mountain and sea world, and it suddenly came today.

"Every month?"

Although Shu Du felt embarrassed, he still pointed out, "Why is it every month, isn't it once every six months?"

At this time, he was still thinking about these things.

Yu Mo didn't care, and replied: "We humans are like this!"

Lin Lang also said to her just now that Yao'er visits her every six months, so it's enough to be jealous when you think about it.

"Are you done enough? Get out!"

The three men were still standing, not knowing how to avoid them.

Whoever dared to stay now, hurried out.

After the palace door was closed again, the three kings and one mouse had their own thoughts.

Little Wolf: Once a month, it hurts the body.

Shudu: The human body is too backward.

Li Wang: She is from Xuanyuan?

Dorje still looked dazed.

Then, after a while...

Both Xiaolang and Shudu's expressions were not very good-looking.

Wouldn't it be a lot less fun to come here every month...


Oh, indeed.

(End of this chapter)

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