The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 219 Respective Conspiracies

Chapter 219 Respective Conspiracies (3)
When she heard this just now, she was also very surprised. She didn't expect that humans and monsters would be so different, but because of the presence of the three men, she didn't dare to ask in detail.


Speaking of this, Yu Mo is absolutely envious of Yao.

Once every six months, twice a year, it would be great if all women were like this.

What Lin Lang was thinking about was another matter... It would be troublesome to think about it once a month. You must know that when the Yaoer girl Guishui comes, the power of the demon will shrink. Once every six months is considered safe. If it is once a month , she really couldn't think about it.

But this is cruel, but it is not a bad thing. It means that you can conceive every month. Unlike demons, there are only two chances of conceiving in a year. Therefore, after most demons get married, having children is a big event , There are a lot of preparations to be made before conception. Needless to say, it is necessary to adjust the body. The most important thing is to choose the right day, because there are only two opportunities every year, and some may not be able to have children for decades, and some may even take more than a hundred years. Yes, it's all normal.

But according to human beings, the chances are six times higher. She calculated that it will take four months for her to have three births in one year.

This algorithm seems a little too fierce, but there is no such thing as confinement.

Since the first battle of Tianxie, the dog monster clan has been completely wiped out, and it is time to spread its branches and leaves. Three times a year, six times in two years, and six times in three years... The odds are really too great.

She was overwhelmed with joy, grabbed Yu Mo's hand suddenly, and said seriously: "Miss, you must eat meat!"

Yu Mo: "..."

I really don't understand what she is so happy about.

If Lin Lang knew that it took ten months for a human to conceive, she would not be happy.

After leaving Yumo's bedroom, Duoji returned to his Baosha, and the remaining three kings walked slowly on the corridor in the palace.

Shudu was a little upset because the marriage proposal hadn't been settled yet, but what was even more upset was why Li Wang came to the Dog Realm, and while Li Wang was at the end, he pulled the little wolf aside.

"How did this fox come here?"

Little Wolf raised his eyebrows, "You want to know?"

"Nonsense, you almost got into a fight with him that time, have you forgotten, how did you reconcile now, and you still go in and out together?"

Yumo was bullied by Li Wang, and he also saw it with his own eyes. He was anxious about Yumo's affairs just now, but he didn't have time to take care of it. Now that he is free, thinking of this, he suddenly wanted to help Yumo vent his anger.

Little Wolf didn't hide it from him, and said bluntly, "Cooperate!"

Even though he and Shu have no good looks every time they meet, they are either fighting or bickering, and it has started since childhood, but no matter how they fight each other, half of the blood on their bodies is the same, and the wolf demon and the dog demon have never been together. He has never fought in a real sense, and he has never imagined that one day he will fight to the death with Shudu. He does not know what the future will be, at least when he is king, he will never allow this kind of thing to happen, and wolf monsters and dog monsters will also There is no need to fight to the death, except for the matter of the queen mother, there is not much conflict in terms of positions or interests.

After Shu Du heard the word cooperation, he was a little surprised, his blue eyes flickered slightly, and when he looked at the little wolf, his expression was rare and serious.

"Don't tell me, you plan to deal with Bai Yu together?"

This was what he guessed, and it was the only possibility he felt.

It is no longer a secret in the world of mountains and seas that Li Wang and Bai Yu had a relationship, but all the big monster clans will have their own spies, and they will set a fixed time to report what happened to other monster clans. He is also very concerned about the current situation of the fox monster clan It is clear, so it is absolutely impossible for Li Wang to come to the Dog Realm to visit the mountains and rivers and pass by, and enter the palace to say hello.

(End of this chapter)

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