The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 220 Respective Conspiracies

Chapter 220 Respective Conspiracies (4)
The little wolf laughed and said, "You're not stupid."

"Go, I'm not stupid."

Anyway, he is also the king of the clan, so why not mess around if he has no brains.

The little wolf spread his arms and teased, "Really?"

There is a brain, but it is often not on the body.

"Don't provoke me if you have nothing to do, be careful that I don't help you repair the enchantment."

The job of reshaping the enchantment in the Dog Realm hasn't been finished yet, so he has to help, and now the help is for Yu Mo's sake, otherwise he would have returned to the Sirius Realm a long time ago.

"You broke it too."

"The matter of old rotten millet, why do you still mention it, I have never seen you hold grudges like this."

The little wolf rolled his eyes indecently.

Who has held grudges? Compared with holding grudges for 200 years because of the saying that wolves are also canids, he is nothing.

"Why are you rolling your eyes? I have something to ask."

He had to weigh whether the wolf monster clan would be affected if the dog monster clan and the fox monster clan joined forces.

"you say……"

"What good did King Li give you to help him like this?"

Based on his understanding of the little wolf, he would definitely not help in vain.

"you guess?"

Shu Du frowned, "Just guess, don't think I can't guess!"

Since King Li came to talk about cooperation, he must have come prepared. There is never a shortage of gold and silver treasures from the dog monster race, and it will definitely not be this. It is also impossible in the case of a city, and it is useless to ask for it. Then there is only...

"The two races are repaired? No war for ten thousand years?"

It was a good guess, but not right.

The little wolf said: "Wannian... Do you think it is possible in the capital of Shu?"

"if not!"

"Ten thousand years is too long, why not change the method, as long as he is in power, and when his son is in power, the fox clan will never invade the dog clan. If the dog clan is in trouble, they will send troops to rescue them. Isn't it more valuable?"

"Huh? That's only 4000 years."

For a demon, 4000 years is really not a long time.


There is a saying that is good, there are no more than three things, and three is a hurdle. Parents and children can remember it, but it is impossible to tell whether the grandchildren will still be the same. If it is ten thousand years, it is too long and too vague. It is better to give it. To be more specific, this contract can also be clearly written.

According to the age of the demon, when the son becomes an adult, the father will still be there if there are no accidents. It is more guaranteed to let the person who made the contract supervise it himself.

Shu Du suddenly felt that it made sense. Rather than sticking to a contract that may not be fulfilled, it is better to be more realistic, so as to save his grandchildren from thinking about it foolishly and being beaten up.

"A truce is good, but... it's not just about these?"

Dealing with Bai Yu together is by no means an easy task, if there is only a truce condition, it is really weak.


"What else?"


Shu Du was startled, "The Fox Clan also has artifacts?"

"No, I haven't got the artifact yet!"

"Can you speak more quickly..."

He was anxious to hear.

The little wolf told him about the artifact reaction in Mount Sumeru.

"Are you sure the fox didn't lie to you?"

"Using this to lie to me, what good can he do?"

"That's right, but..." Shu Du pointed to his Haotian Tower, "The artifact will choose its own owner, not because I look down on you, but in case the artifact chooses you."

This has happened once, and it may not happen a second time.

Little Wolf smiled and said, "I have already thought of what you can think of. There are two conditions for the artifact."

(End of this chapter)

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