The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 227 Glass King Is Not a Pig

Chapter 227 Glass King Is Not a Pig (5)
Hearing him bring up such things again, Yu Mo no longer had the embarrassment he had before, and brought up the old things again: "You brought it from the truth, how did you know this kind of thing?"

After making such a big circle, and then coming back again, if he doesn't say anything, I'm afraid she will really get angry.

"When I was a child, I had a nanny who was always with me. She was usually fine, but every six months there was always a fixed period of pale face and unbearable abdominal pain. Sometimes I couldn't even get out of bed. At that time, I didn't understand. I thought she had some terminal illness. So I asked Bu Jie to take a good look at it, but Bu Jie said that the disease cannot be cured, it was caused by inattention when I was young, and I was afraid that you will do the same."

Yumo understood that he was frightened by the nanny's dysmenorrhea, which caused his shadow.

"Don't worry, I won't, my grandma has taken care of me very well since I was a child, and I am absolutely healthy."

"That's what you said too, I think it's disgusting, how could it take a month..."

Yu Mo thinks that this man really doesn't understand what embarrassment is, so he directly smashed the pillow on his forehead, "Don't say any more!"

What happened to a month, half a year is abnormal, this is in the human world, it is not clear if she is pregnant or not.

He closed his mouth, put the pillow back in place, and lay down, "It's getting late, go to sleep."

Why sleep? She still has important things to do.

She moved past him, ready to get out of bed.

Little Wolf grabbed her hand and asked, "What are you going to do again?"

Yumo felt that sooner or later he would be pissed off by him, but he couldn't drive him away, and he couldn't speak directly, so he shouted, "How can I sleep if I drink so much water and don't go to the latrine!"

Little Wolf: "..."

This woman is also troublesome enough.

The next day, Yumo woke up earlier than Xiaolang. She didn't dare to be early, and immediately checked whether there was an extra Japanese flag on the bed. Luckily, there was none. Then she slowly got out of bed and went to the water room to wash.

Lin Lang always got up early, and after teaching the cultivation class, she would come over with Mu Xiang to serve Yu Mo, but Mu Xiang kept vigil last night, so she can go back to rest when she comes.

Before leaving, Mu Xiang reminded, "Auntie, the king is inside!"

Lin Lang was a little surprised. After yesterday's embarrassing incident, he still came. He really didn't understand the girl's thoughts at all, just like his father.

"Miss, are you making a fuss?"

"Yes, but Miss can't say no to Wang, and she can't drive him away." She kept watch last night, but she heard everything.

"This temper is also the same as that of the previous king, the most lenient!"

"What's wrong? Auntie?"

"It's okay, you go down and rest."

Mu Xiang let out a sigh of relief, bowed slightly, "Yes!"

"By the way, Sister Calamus said that Zijie's health is almost in good condition, and she will be back on duty tomorrow. When she comes, the night watchmen will work in shifts, one person per day."


Lin Lang walked to the front of the hall and knocked on the door, "Miss Wang, it's time to get up."

Seeing no movement inside, she thought she was still asleep, so she didn't dare to go in, so she stood outside for a while.

After Yumo tidied herself up, she opened the palace door.

"Auntie, are you here?"

"Miss, well, where is the king?"

Yumo pointed inside, "Are you still asleep?"

"Miss, why don't you sleep more?"

"How can he sleep with me? Auntie came just in time, hurry up and drive him back, and the gate of this palace must be closed from tonight."

Lin Lang really wanted to tell her that it would be useless to add ten locks, not to mention inserting them slightly, and anyone who wanted to get in could always get in.

"How dare Lin Lang be disrespectful to the king, the miss is embarrassing me."

(End of this chapter)

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