The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 228 Glass King Is Not a Pig

Chapter 228 Glass King Is Not a Pig (6)
"He's such a rascal!"

"Miss, don't be impatient, there are not many days left."

She learned about the purpose of King Li's visit from Awu last night, and that Mount Sumeru and his party are imminent, probably within the next few days.

"Auntie also knows that Little Wolf is going out?"

Lin Lang nodded, "This is a major event in the clan, so I naturally know about it."

"Does that aunt know that the fox came here to ask the little wolf to help him?"

Last night, although Little Wolf said that this was a family secret that was not easy to spread, she was still a little worried, that King Li was definitely not a good person, and she was afraid that he would play some tricks.

Lin Lang is not Mu Xiang, she will never show her mouth. She can talk about many things this night, but she didn't mention this matter. It can be seen that her own king is planning to hide it. Since he wants to hide it, how can she say it.

"Lin Lang is now a maid in the palace. It is inconvenient to intervene in some important military and political affairs. I just know that Wang and Li Wang have something to do, but I don't know the specifics."

Yumo was a little disappointed, but if he didn't know, he didn't know, and it was useless to ask.

"Miss, you don't need to worry too much. The king is careful and thoughtful, and even the king of Nali dare not bully him."

"With my aunt's words, I feel relieved, you don't know how hateful that King Li is..."

As soon as Li Wang was mentioned, Yu Mo was full of anger, clenched his small fist and waved it in the air a few times.

Lin Lang had also heard about the matter between her and King Li, but she didn't know the details, but at that time King Li gave three Fire Demon Fruits as a gift of apology, and the apology was considered sincere.

Just as she was about to comfort her, someone came from behind, walking so lightly that even Lin Lang didn't notice.

"Am I really that hateful?" The tone seemed to be a little sighing, and even more vaguely disapproving.

Both Lin Lang and Yu Mo were frightened, they both turned their heads and stared at him with their eyeballs.

Li Wang waved the paper fan with a pleasant smile, showing gentleness and courtesy.

After being surprised, Yumo frowned, "Stinky fox, what are you doing here?"

"Gift!" He clapped his hands.

Ning Bao immediately ran over holding a wooden box and put it in front of Yu Mo.

Yu Mo stared at the wooden box in front of him, the workmanship of the box alone was already valuable, not only the wood was good, but also the gold frame.

"What do you mean by that?"


His words are concise, and his smile is even more like a spring breeze.

Yumo was not interested in his gift at all.

"do not want!"

"If you don't like gold and silver utensils, there are fire magic fruits, but I don't bring many here, just two, you want to..."

Yu Mo directly interrupted, "I don't want anything you send, aunt, see off!"

Lin Lang wasn't sure what the purpose of Li Wang's visit was, if it was a gift, he could just send someone down, why should he come in person, and it was early in the morning, and there wasn't even a notification.

This wolf demon king is naturally informal, and it is common for him to come and go like the wind, but she couldn't understand what King Li did.

Ning Bao was naturally protecting King Li, and shouted: "Little demon, don't think that you are so rude to His Highness because you are a distinguished guest of the Demon Dog King, let me tell you..."

Yu Mo didn't give him a chance to continue talking, and just made a big grimace, like sticking out his tongue.

Ning Bao was so angry that his face turned green, "Your Highness, look at her, I'll just say she has a bad temper, and you insist on coming."

Li Wang put away his folding fan and beat him, "It was indeed our fault last time, since we are here, we should make an apology."

"Three fire magic fruits are not enough?"

"She's still angry, it's not enough."

Li Wang was not displeased at all, and still had a sincere attitude of apologizing, he was beautiful, and his posture was so low, anyone who saw him would soften his heart.

Yumo didn't agree, what's the use of apologizing compared to the suffering that time, it's clearly a personality problem, she remembers it very clearly, this fox said that his favorite thing is to play with people between applause .

"You don't have to pretend, I won't accept gifts, you and I don't mess with each other, I won't come to bury you, and you don't bother me, that's it..." She turned around and was about to enter the hall.

Li Wang behind him chuckled, "Don't you want to know what the dog demon king is going to do for me?"

Yu Mo stopped in her tracks, turned around and asked, "What can you help?"



Yu Mo was taken aback, and when he was about to continue to ask which artifact it was, a black shadow flashed out from the hall.

The little wolf's face was extremely black, and his breath was frosty.

"Li Wang is so elegant..."

Li Wang looked innocent, "Why, did I say something wrong?"

This is knowingly asked.

"Little wolf, he said he wants you to help him find the artifact, is it true?"

Yumo doesn't care whether King Li is innocent or not, she only knows that the little wolf is hiding the artifact from her.

At this moment, the little wolf only felt a headache.

There is a saying in Xuanyuanjie that is true - not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.

But... King Li is by no means a pig.

(End of this chapter)

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