Chapter 238
Li Wang would occasionally come to care for her, but Xiaolang and Shu were both in the way, he could only say two or three words at most, and she still couldn't develop a good impression of Li Wang, but yesterday she couldn't hold on anymore, and she couldn't hold back anymore. Dare to let Xiaolang know that perhaps it was because of the cold air, her stomach hurts all the time, just when she could not bear it any longer, Li Wang handed over a Fire Demon Fruit.

She knows the Fire Demon Fruit, which can cure all kinds of diseases. She can transform from a dog into a human, and she is also a credit to the Fire Demon Fruit.

But she had heard from Little Wolf that Fire Demon Fruit is the royal medicine of the Fox Demon Clan, and the output is very small. Last time I gave three of them, it was not easy. How could she not think about it.

The fox is cunning, she will never forget.

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal!
She decisively turned her head away and ignored it.

Li Wang said: "If you don't eat, you will delay your trip if you can't stand it later. If you want to die and meet Bai Yu's person, once you fight, no one will take care of you. Have you thought about it clearly?"

Yu Mo felt that this made sense, but he still remained wary of him.

"Will you be so kind?"

"It's beneficial to me if you can go on the road without hindrance, don't blame me for not telling you, this fire magic fruit can not only cure all kinds of diseases, but also increase your physical strength..."


"Why should I lie to you?"

Now that the dog demon and the fox demon are in an alliance, they are their own people. If he wanted to harm her, he would not choose this time.

After Yumo figured it out, he quickly swallowed the Fire Demon Fruit into his stomach.

This fruit is really miraculous. It not only cured her stomachache, but also warmed her body. As a doctor, she was so curious about the formula of this medicine. Unfortunately, King Li didn't tell her. Every time he asked, he They all changed the topic.

After Ning Bao knew that she was fine and swallowed another fire magic fruit, he was so angry that he kept staring at her with blank eyes.

Yumo also feels innocent, since his master sent it up by himself, and she didn't steal or snatch it, so why blame her, but she definitely has to pay back Li Wang's love, don't owe the fox anything Yes, otherwise, who knows if there will be recurring profits in the future, and in the end, maybe you have to sell yourself.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

Since the fox was kind to her, she also softened her attitude appropriately so that he would not hold grudges in the future.

Li Wang looked over with a smile, "I don't call you hello!"

"Li Wang!" The honorific title should be no problem.

But he was still not happy, "You call the dog demon king Xiaolang, Shudu, sometimes Shudu, sometimes Erha, but you call me Liwang, isn't it a bit unfamiliar?"

Both Little Wolf and Erha have become nicknames in his ears, a title that expresses affection.

"I'm very strange to you!"

"This statement is wrong. If Momo is still thinking about Lin Hai's affairs, then Huli..."


Who allowed him to call it that.

Both Xiaolang and Shu were sitting around the bonfire, and when they heard King Li shouting, their eyes shot towards him like two pairs of small flying knives.

Facing the flying eyes, King Li didn't care at all, and continued: "If Momo still cares about Lin Hai's affairs, then Huli just wants to say that there is no need, just tell me how to calm you down. Do anything."

Yu Mo sat in the innermost place, with Duoji, who was young and not very strong, and fell asleep on her lap.

Do anything?
Let him die! ?

Although Yu Mo really wanted to say this, but knowing that saying this would definitely affect the current atmosphere of unity, he said generously: "You don't have to do anything, Li Wang, and the festival between you and me will be eliminated. If you don't owe me, I will I don’t owe you anything, just cooperate well.”

(End of this chapter)

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