Chapter 239
She was most worried that the fox would turn against the little wolf in the future, so she specially reminded him to cooperate well.

"Huli is very grateful for Momo's generosity, but she just silently called me King Li... I feel a bit out of touch, as if Momo is still angry..."

"I said I'm not angry!"

This fox is really quite messy.

"Then why do you still call me King Li?"

He meant to make her let go.

Yumo said angrily: "That day in Linhai, didn't your guards say that it would be disrespectful not to call you King Li."

Li Wang frowned, and said sadly: "Sure enough, Momo still remembers what happened that day, so clearly..."

"I've already said it..." Yu Mo pursed her lips, thinking that if she continued to talk, she would only enter a dead end, so she changed her mind and said, "Then how do you want me to call you!"

Isn't it just a title? Is it necessary to be so entangled?

"It's good to silently call me Ali..."


Yu Mo stared at him in shock, maybe he was too intimate.

Li Wang's handsome face is full of urgent expectations.

The faces of Xiao Lang and Shu Du trembled at the same time...

Not only was the title intimate, it made them uncomfortable.

Especially Shudu, because Erha is not a nickname...

"I said Li Wang, are you idle and have nothing to do? You are full, right? Why do you have to change your name silently like a girl? Isn't it good to call you Li Wang? Aren't you Li Wang? What is it again, the name is not good, it sounds like a woman."

Yu Mo echoed, "Shu Du is right!"

It's called Fox Ali, but she can't say it out, it's so embarrassing.

"A Li is originally my nickname. My relatives and friends call me that. Since Mo Mo is my benefactor, and I sincerely make this friend, why not call me A Li?"

After hearing this, Ning Bao and Ning Yi felt that their foreheads were full of black lines.

I'm sorry, none of my relatives and friends dare to call you that, so you can just talk nonsense by yourself.

Yumo was driven into a hurry, and said, "A Li, I won't call you. If you insist on showing affection, you can call you a fox. It's a fox, not Huli."

The sound is the same, but the pronunciation is still a little different.

"Bold!" Ning Bao insisted on stepping in at this time, angrily said: "Don't be disrespectful to Your Highness!"

Yu Mo rolled his eyes, "Does A Li respect you?"

A Li is a bit girly, and people who don't know think he is a sissy.

Ning Bao was speechless, blushing and said, "Anyway, it's not allowed!"

"Your master can do it, what's the use if you don't?"

Li Wang smiled and said: "I really don't allow it, silently!"

Yu Mo: "..."

The master and servant are enough to make people anxious.

She simply turned her head away, ignored people, covered the quilt, and fell asleep.

It's a pity that Li Wang is not a person who gives up so easily. He mentions it from time to time, when he eats, before going to bed, and when he rests, he becomes more energetic. After a few days, Yu Mo's ears are covered with calluses. up.

Shu Du sneered at Li Wang several times because of this matter, but Li Wang was a smiling fox, and every time he pulled a thousand catties four or two, Shu was so angry that he jumped on his feet.

On the other hand, the little wolf is much calmer, except for two shots in the eye of the knife, there is nothing to do.

But Yu Mo obviously found that the little wolf looked at her twice as long, no matter where he went, he would follow her, especially when King Li approached, he would stick close to her.

Well, as long as there is a little wolf around, she doesn't need to be afraid of King Li, anyway, she will never call him that name.

But Li Wang's perseverance is so amazing, it's almost as if she was born with this name.

Yu Mo was almost annoyed by him, and when the bottom line was about to collapse, the little wolf coughed, his golden eyes flashed, and said, "A Li, ask your people to go out to find the way..."

Li Wang was stunned, Shu Du was also stunned, and Yu Mo was dumbfounded.

"Is there something wrong?" He looked at Li Wang and said with a smile, "Am I not in the category of your relatives and friends?"

How dare Li Wang say no, they are allies now.

Shu Du was happy, and also came: "I said A Li... How about letting your family Ning Yi make a pot of tea?"

Li Wang: "..."

This is called one thing down one thing.

(End of this chapter)

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