The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 240: White Feather of the Night Falcon Clan

Chapter 240: White Feather of the Night Falcon Clan (1)
The sky is full of stars, like pearls, or handfuls of broken gold, scattered on the black jade plate, and a dark cloud occasionally floats, blocking all the sources of light, and some blurred visions can be seen in the haze. The shadows of the people jumped up and down among the shadows of the trees, their speed was very fast, like the wind.

In the cold and dark woods, the wind came like a hungry falcon, making the leaves rustle. Occasionally, the cooing of an owl could be heard. Those figures approached inch by inch, like some kind of wild When the creature looked back, pairs of blue eyes flickered in the darkness, which was extremely frightening.

"My lord, here we come!"

Not far ahead, there are two figures, about the same size, standing one behind the other, the voice is from the mouth of the person standing in front, the voice is a little hoarse, like a mouthful of sand, although the words are clear, It sounds a little ear-piercing.

The figure behind just hummed, his tone was cold, and his whole body seemed to be made of ice, even seeing his appearance made people shudder.

The shadows in the forest all moved towards this direction, and stopped less than a foot away from the two of them. There were four of them in total, and they all knelt down.

"grown ups!"

The figure standing behind will wave and say, "Get up!"

"Thank you sir!"

The four stood up at the same time, and it happened that the dark clouds that blocked the light source slowly dispersed, and the starlight fell on them.

They have human faces and bodies, but their mouths and noses are like birds, hook-shaped, and a pair of huge wings grow on their backs, just like the image of Lei Zhenzi in the list of gods. The colors of the wings are different, one is black, the other is gray, The other two are one red and one purple, the sexes are three men and one woman, and the one with purple wings is a woman.

The starlight clearly reflected the luster on the wing feathers, not like feathers, but like fish scales, which seemed very hard.

After the four of them stood still, the bird's face and wings slowly changed, gradually closing in, no longer a bird-like shape, but a perfect human shape.

The figure standing in front came out from the shadows, dressed in black, with a handsome expressionless face, dark complexion, extremely resolute, razor-sharp eyebrows, high nose bridge, and a pair of dark eyes flashing from time to time Over dark green, there is a cool breath all over his body.

When the four met him, they cupped their hands and said, "Lord Jiu Siam."

Jiu Xian asked in a hoarse voice: "How? What did you find?"

"Li Wang has formed an alliance with the Dog Demon King."


Jiu Siam pursed her thin lips, and the dark green in her eyes was as frighteningly bright as the eyes of a cat in the dark.


Jiu Xian looked back at Li Ren who was always hiding in the shadow behind him, and said, "Has your lord thought of this?"

No matter how the stars move, the person who is called the lord can't shine on him, as if he was born insulated from the light.

"It's not surprising that you should do this."

Although he couldn't see his face, his voice already revealed what kind of person he would be. It was extremely cold, as if his breath was cold, without the slightest emotion.

"My lord ordered the Flaming Vulture to attack the cat monster, did you expect the alliance to come out?"

Jiu Xian has always been brooding over the fact that he ordered the Fire Vulture to attack Dada at the beginning. He had severely injured King Li that day. He escaped, and he had an explanation to the king, but he never thought that he would meet Dada, the guardian of the dog demon king, on the way back.

The night falcon clan and the dog monster clan have never had a feud, and he really doesn't understand why he attacked the cat monster that day. If there was no such thing, there would be no trouble with the alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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