The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 244: White Feather of the Night Falcon Clan

Chapter 244: White Feather of the Night Falcon Clan (5)
With a cold drink, all four wings shut their mouths, and knelt on the ground waiting for his instructions.

"I will do what that person wants, but whether to kill or not is up to me. Since I have told me, I will not miss this opportunity. You should also be vigilant to avoid mistakes."

"Your Excellency, you mean to capture him alive?"

"It's not just about capturing alive, it can't hurt even a single hair!"

Xuanyuan people who can use the Pangu ax are rare, and he must be one step ahead.

After finishing the sentence, he added another sentence: "Don't let the queen know about this matter."

Four Wings understood what he meant, and knew better what kind of virtue the Queen of the Night Falcon Clan was.

Although the Queen of the Night Falcon family is now in charge, Bai Yu is actually the emperor in the dark.The queen is just a puppet in his hands, but the queen's status is there, and she always wants to show some face in front of others, and this queen is the most jealous, and she dares to do anything when she is arrogant. The Falcon family has long since fallen.

Queen Yaojia was born of a queen, the eldest daughter of the former king of the Night Falcon family, but she is an idiot with noble blood.

Regardless of talent or strategy, everyone knows that Bai Yu is the most suitable person to inherit the throne, but although he is a royal family, his background is tainted. There is no evidence at all whether he is the heir of the previous king. He was brought back by the previous king when he was young, saying that He is a son born outside, but the former king never mentioned his mother, so only the former king knows whether it is true or not. Besides, he does not look like the former king at all, and because the queen at that time hated him very much, she was afraid that he would steal the throne , did not do less slanderous things, which made his identity even more confusing. Since his blood is unknown, it is impossible to inherit the throne.

But the eldest princess of the Night Falcon clan liked him since she was a child, and she was obsessed with him. After growing up, the relationship between the two became a little ambiguous.

The former king of the Night Falcon tribe had four other sons besides the eldest princess, but they were all unsupportable Adou. Because they were born to concubines Ji, their status was a bit lowly. These four sons were brooding, and tried their best to make their daughters enthroned as kings.

After this idea was known to Bai Yu, he knew that the time had come, and secretly connected with the eldest princess, conspiring for him, and finally removed the four sons of the former king, and successfully made her the queen.

After the queen found out, she was not grateful to Dade, but wanted to kill Bai Yu. Unfortunately, the eldest princess was infatuated with Bai Yu. So stubborn, the queen was finally pissed off.

Once the queen died, there was no one to hinder the eldest princess's infatuated love. I wanted to make Bai Yu the king's husband, but Bai Yu refused. The reason is very simple. The two are brothers and sisters in name. All the monster races read jokes, so they can't do it clearly, they can only do it secretly.

But when it comes to the queen's jealousy, I can't finish talking about it for three days and three nights. Once a maid looked at Bai Yu one more time, and her eyes were immediately gouged out. Not only the eyes were gone, but her body was also chopped into seven pieces. eight paragraphs.

Things like this don't happen every day, but they happen every few months, which shows how jealous the Queen is.

If she knows that Bai Yu wants to capture a woman alive, who knows what she will think, she will definitely send someone secretly to kill that Xuanyuan woman, this is definitely not what Bai Yu wanted.


"Let's go!"

The four wings immediately split up, they were Bai Yu's confidantes, they were only loyal to him, even the queen could not order them.

Before leaving, Hui Wing reminded: "My lord, it's the queen's birthday today, don't forget to go back."

(End of this chapter)

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