The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 245: White Feather of the Night Falcon Clan

Chapter 245: White Feather of the Night Falcon Clan (6)
Bai Yu answered absent-mindedly, but at least he listened and hummed.

Only then did Gray Wing leave in peace.

In the royal palace of the Night Falcon family, Queen Yaojia prepared a sumptuous meal and wine, and sat on the throne in gorgeous clothes.

"Is Bai Yu back?"

"Queen, haven't..."

The maids were afraid that she would get angry, their faces turned pale, and their hands and feet trembled.

You know, this queen has a very bad temper, and can even be said to be extremely cruel.

"I don't know where I went. It's like this every time. When I asked him to be there, he always disappeared. Let me look for it. If you can't find it, you can just wait for the pot."

Hearing the word 虿罗, the maids were so frightened that they hurriedly knelt on the ground.

"Queen spare me!"

The so-called scorpion is to dig a large pit in the ground with a radius of hundreds of steps and a depth of five feet, and then throw poisonous insects such as vipers, scorpions and wasps into the hole. When punishing the guilty, they strip them naked. Throwing it into a pit and being bitten by a hundred insects can be said to be life rather than death.

This criminal law is also called the punishment of the pot. "

What Queen Yaojia hates most is to hear the words "forgive life", which shows that they are all incompetent. After drinking a glass of strong wine, because she couldn't see Bai Yu, she became even more angry, and directly ordered: "Come on, Throw all these useless girls into the pot."

This means that there is no need to find anyone, and they will be sentenced directly.

For a moment, the whole hall was crying.

When Bai Yu came in, he heard these cries.

As soon as they saw him, all the maids crawled over on their knees, pleading with him in bursts of crying.

"My lord, please beg the queen, the servants do not want to die."

"Go down!"

After hearing this, they didn't dare to leave, and looked straight at Yaojia with red eyes from crying.

She is the queen, and she says she can only walk if she can.

"Are you willing to come back?"

Yaojia drank some wine, she seemed to be a little drunk, her face flushed, she was very beautiful, her figure was exceptionally tall, her figure was even more bumpy, her face was fair, her peach blossom eyes clearly had a cold and incomparable expression, But after facing Bai Yu, it turned into a stream of spring water.

"I said when I went out earlier, I will come back later tonight!"

She said coquettishly, "Today is my birthday!"

"I know it's your birthday, and I haven't forgotten it." He asked the attendant behind him to hand over the gift, "I came back late today because of this."

Yaojia's eyes lit up, she stepped down from the throne, and eagerly opened the brocade box in the attendant's hand.

As soon as the box cover is opened, there is a string of pearl necklaces, all round and the same size, you can tell it is a rare treasure at first sight.

"Is this for me?"

"Could it be someone else?"

Yaojia happily compared the chain to her body, "Come here, help me put it on."

Bai Yu waved the maid away, walked over, and put it on for her herself.

"Pearls are moisturizing, the most beautiful thing, and you look good wearing them."

Yaojia blushed, turned around and hugged him, stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek, "I knew you were the best for me."

"Aren't you angry anymore?"

She shook her head, but her tone was still a little dissatisfied, "I don't know if I will come back sooner, which makes me worry."

"Treasures are hard to find, so you have to be more sincere. If you don't like it, I will not do it next time. But you have also seen that this pearl seems to be custom-made for you, so why not wait?"

"Hmph, sweet words!"

She was already beautiful, but after wearing the pearls, she became even more beautiful, and she was satisfied in her heart. She pulled Bai Yu up to the throne, "Get tired, hurry up and eat something."

Bai Yu was unwilling to go up.

"what happened?"

"This is the throne!" It means that there is a difference between superiority and inferiority.

"What's the big deal? I'm the queen. If I say yes, I can. Come, eat whatever you like."


Bai Yu let go of her hand, walked down, and sat on a place below.

Although Yaojia is unhappy, she also knows that he has always been a man of good manners.

"Okay, okay, up to you!"

She didn't force her anymore, she just followed him down with the plate and wine jug, and sat beside him.

"If you keep the etiquette like this, what's the use of being superior or inferior? Didn't those ministers say that you have intentions for me?"

"They are also loyal to you."

"You idiot, you still say good things for them, it really pissed me off."

"It's fine if I have a clear conscience."

Yaojia took food and poured wine for him, "Okay, you have a clear conscience, don't worry, with me protecting you, they dare not do anything to you?"

He raised his glass, "Don't mention these things, I haven't wished you a happy birthday yet!"

"Well, done!"

After drinking for three rounds, Yaojia looked at him several times fascinated, and rubbed his chest with a pair of jade hands.

"Yesterday, Guishui ran out..."

Men can understand this kind of words.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand and hugged her horizontally, and slowly walked towards the dormitory in the palace.

The curtain is full of gauze, the lights are dizzy and the candles are red, the fragrance of drunkenness in the room...

(End of this chapter)

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